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Why Is the Bible True?

by Ken Ham on July 21, 2011

Just why is the Bible true? I believe but I just don’t understand why it’s true.

Creation Question


All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. . . (2 Timothy 3:16).

2 Corinthians 5:17; 2 Peter 1:20, 21; Colossians 1:16-17; John 14:6

The Bible is no ordinary book for many reasons. Paul in his letter to Timothy tells us that the Bible Is God’s “inspired” Word. In fact, in the original Greek language of the New Testament, the word “inspired” really means that the words of the Bible have been “breathed out” by God through the men who wrote them down. If the Bible is from God, we would expect it to be true and we should be able to test it. We can do this in many ways. In Genesis chapters 1 – 11 we can read an account of many historical events concerning the beginning of this world. Through application of science we can confirm that God’s account of creation is true. As an example, God tells us in Genesis chapter 1 that animals, plants, birds, fish, and every living thing were created after their own kind (dogs only produce dogs, etc.). This is exactly what we observe. We are also able to confirm many other aspects of the Bible’s history in other areas of science such as geology and astronomy. We can also rely on the Bible’s truth concerning Jesus—for instance, in considering how many prophecies about Him were made hundreds of years before He came to earth as a man. Because we can confirm the history in the Bible, we can have faith in all that the Bible has to say. However, the main reason we can trust the Bible is because it is from God—which is different from every other book on earth. Thus we should use the Bible as the starting point for all our living, learning, and actions.