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Fearfully & Wonderfully Made Cards

Fearfully & Wonderfully Made Cards

These special cards provide an exciting glimpse into various parts of the wonderfully designed human body. God makes each of us fearfully and wonderfully!


    • The same God who designed your ears also hears you when you pray to him.

    • How does your body know to stay at that temperature when it’s really hot or cold outside?

    • Your heart pumps about 2,000 gallons of blood through your body each day!

    • Your brain is made up of billions of little cells called neurons.

    • Skeletal muscles attach to your bones and move your skeleton.

    • Millions of tiny “wires,” called nerves, run through your body.

    • Much like a camera, your eyes help you to see the world around you.

    • Scientists are discovering what our Creator has known from the beginning—your blood is an important part of life.

    • The appendix plays an important role in helping your body fight diseases.

    • Your lungs help you get oxygen from the air and pass waste gases out of your body.