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Exploring God’s Word: A Bible Study about Jesus

Exploring God’s Word: A Bible Study about Jesus

It’s important to study God’s Word. In these devotionals, you’ll find out what the Bible says about who Jesus is.


    • pp. 3–8

      Is Jesus God? Is Jesus a man? Who did Jesus claim to be? Is Jesus the Creator of everything? Find out in this week’s lessons.

    • pp. 9–14

      How and what did Jesus create? Can Jesus heal sick people? Can Jesus change the weather? Can Jesus forgive sins? Find out in this week’s lessons.

    • pp. 15–20

      Whom should I love? Whom should I help? Does God care for us? How should I treat others? Find out in this week’s lessons.

    • pp. 21–26

      What does Jesus’ name mean? For whom did Jesus come to earth? Did Jesus ever sin? Did Jesus always obey the Law of Moses? Find out in this week’s lessons.

    • pp. 27–32

      What is the condition of all people? What is required for sins to be forgiven? Why did Jesus die on the cross? Did Jesus stay dead? Find out in this week’s lessons.

    • pp. 33–38

      Did Jesus rise from the dead? Who saw Jesus after he rose from the dead? Why is it important that Jesus rose from the dead? What does Jesus promise for the future? Find out in this week’s lessons.

    • pp. 39–44

      To whom was Jesus born? Where was Jesus born? Where was Jesus called out of? Would Jesus rise from the dead? Find out in this week’s lessons.

    • pp. 45–48

      Learn about the names of Jesus in the Bible and the prophecies that he fulfilled.