Do you really know your animal facts? Time to do some mythbusting!
You’ve probably heard of a herd of horses, a flock of sheep, or a pack of wolves. But some animal groups have names that are unusual, and others are even kind of goofy.
During creation week, about 6,000 years ago, God created birds to fill the air. Today, few birds fly through the air as majestically as the bald eagle.
Studies show that around 90% of people are righties (right-handed), while only about 10% are lefties (left-handed).
Scientists believe that about 40–60 tons of space dust land on earth each day.
Is there land under all of Antarctica's ice? How did people translate the Bible into English? Let’s look at some big questions from kids like you!
Join Eva and Andy Wander as they tour the ruins of Machu Picchu, an ancient city in the mountains of Peru.
Mice love cheese. Toads give you warts. Ostriches bury their heads. Are these “facts" truth or myth?
Soil is more than just dirt. It is a collection of decaying plants and animals, minerals, air, water, and living organisms like bacteria.