Museum Match

on July 1, 2024

Museums can teach us a lot about God’s world. But just because a sign says something doesn’t mean it’s true. Make sure you filter all that information through God’s Word! The Bible is our source for truth, and you can trust it from the very first verse.

Match your way through this museum! Move from one space to the next by finding objects that are the same. For example, the first two have a shovel. Can you find the matching objects to reach the end of the museum?


Color the Picture!

Museum Match Maze

Can you find all 11 matching objects? Click on the matching object in the next square to move through the museum.

Find the Hidden Objects! Room2_Shovel Room3_Cat Room4_Astronaut Room5_Knight Room6_Turtle Room7_Microscope Room8_Painting Room9_Dreamcatcher Room10_Compass Room11_Globe Room12_Butterfly

Answers included in pdf download.

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