When disasters like volcanoes and tornadoes strike, what can we learn to protect our communities in the future?
If you’re a subscriber to Kids Answers magazine, you’ll get a magazine in the mail multiple times a year! Each issue is filled with amazing animal facts, fun activities, science experiments, stories, and articles to help you learn more about God’s Word and God’s world. Sound exciting? With a parent’s help, check out Kids Answers magazine at AnswersMagazine.com!
While God specifically commanded humans, who are made in his image, to be good stewards of creation, even some animals make sure nothing goes to waste.
Trumpeter swans are snow-white waterfowl that live in Canada and upper parts of the United States.
PDF DownloadHow long can your muscles make it before giving out? Let’s find out!
PDF DownloadGetting outside and enjoying God’s creation is good for both your brain and body. Climbing trees is a fun way to exercise your muscles and your mind!
God tells us to search for wisdom and understanding (Proverbs 2:3–6). The best place to look is in the Bible!
PDF DownloadWe don’t know exactly what work Jesus did for a living, but we can be sure that he is the Son of God—the way, the truth, and the life.
A scavenger hunt forces Eva and Andy to get creative and teaches them a valuable lesson about using their unique abilities to work together to glorify God.
When disasters strike, what can we learn to protect our communities in the future?
Volcanologists are scientists who study earth’s volcanoes. Can you find all the items hidden at the research site?
PDF DownloadWhen God created the bird kinds on day five of creation week, he gave them the know-how they’d need to care for their young in a fallen world.