Amazing Animal Abilities

on October 1, 2022

Animals can do some amazing things! Do you think these incredible creatures just evolved by accident? No way! They were designed by an intelligent Creator—our awesome God.

Goldfish Go!

In a new experiment, researchers placed goldfish in tanks of water on wheels. A fish could make the vehicle move in a direction by swimming near that wall of the tank. The researchers trained the goldfish to swim toward a pink board hanging in the room. When the goldfish reached the board, they were given a treat. Several goldfish in the experiment learned how to drive to different spots in the room, proving that goldfish really know how to get around.

One, Two, Bee

Did you know that bees can count? When they leave the hive to look for food, bees count landmarks (like trees or flowers) on their way. This helps them measure distance and find their way back home.

Rats Tell Time

Researchers taught 16 rats how to push a lever for food. The rats had to hold the lever down for 3.2 seconds or push the lever once, wait 3.2 seconds, and then push the lever again. The rats could tell if they waited too long. The more they practiced, the better the rats got at guessing the correct amount of time. This showed that rats can estimate time, remember their mistakes, and do better next time.

Beetles Walk Underwater

A beetle in Australia can walk on the underside of the water’s surface. A researcher thinks that the air bubble the beetle carries might help it stick to the water. The strategy might help the beetle hide from predators or sneak up on prey.

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