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You’re One of a Kind

on January 1, 2020

Even with over 7 billion people on this planet, nobody else is exactly like you. God created you just the way he wanted (Psalm 119:73). From your tongue to your walk to your smell, you truly are unique. How? Glad you asked!


There’s a reason police look for fingerprints at a crime scene. No two people have exactly the same arches, whorls, and loops—not even identical twins.



Sure, lots of people have the same color eyes as you, but that doesn’t mean they’re the same. If you look closely, you’ll see that God gave each of us unique irises (the colored parts) that have some amazingly unique patterns. Even your own two irises are different from each other!



Just like the patterns on your fingers, your toe prints belong only to you. These skin ridges also make your toes better at gripping the sand as you run to the ocean.


The next time you walk by a mirror, look at your lips. Nobody else has the same lines and patterns that you have. Your smile really is one in a trillion.


Listen up! When you hear your dad calling in a crowded, noisy house, you know it’s him. You also know immediately when your favorite singer comes on your headphones. Why? Because God gave us all a one-of-a-kind voice that we can use to praise him.



We don’t want to raise a stink with this one, but your body odor has a certain smell that’s all your own. Thanks to chemicals in your sweat, you could say you have your own unique cologne or perfume.


Did you know that some researchers use computers to identify people by the way they walk? The angle of your feet, the way your legs spring forward, how hard you step—no one else walks just like you do.



Your uniqueness goes right down to your chompers. Right now, your teeth are probably falling out and coming in. But that doesn’t change the fact that no two teeth are exactly the same. Your teeth are all yours.


Stick out your tongue and look in the mirror. You see all those bumps and creases? God gave you a popsicle-licking machine that is exclusive to you!


Kids Answers Magazine

God Made You Unique

Even with over 7 billion people on this planet, nobody else is exactly like you. God created you just the way he wanted (Psalm 119:73).

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