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’Tis the Season

Explore Creation

on October 1, 2023

Why are colds, the flu, and other illnesses more common in the winter? When we spend more time cooped up inside, we’re more likely to pass viruses to each other. But a new study also found that the cold, dry winter air could weaken your body’s ability to fight off a virus.

Inside your nose is a sticky layer of mucus that contains microscopic vesicles (VESS-ih-kuls)—blobs filled with liquid. When they sense an intruder, cells in your nose release armies of these blobs to battle germs and combat the viruses that you breathe in. But the scientists behind the new study found that cold weather kills nearly half of the virus-fighting vesicles. This is one reason why colds, flus, and other infections are more common in the winter.

God created your body with incredible defenses against the germs we catch in our sin-cursed world. Even when we catch the sniffles, we can rejoice that we are fearfully and wonderfully made!

Ways to Combat Cold Season

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water.
  • Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands.
  • Cover your mouth with a tissue when you sneeze or cough.
  • Stay home if you have any symptoms.
  • Take medicine prescribed by a doctor—even if it tastes gross.
  • Practice healthy habits such as exercising, eating nutritious foods, drinking plenty of water, and getting enough sleep.

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