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Is It Hot in Here?

When you’re healthy, your body temperature is around 98.6˚F (38.6˚C). But how does your body know to stay at that temperature when it’s really hot or cold outside? God designed a small gland at the base of your brain to control your body’s temperature. If you get too cold, the hypothalamus tells your muscles to start shivering to produce heat. If you’re too hot, the hypothalamus tells your body to start sweating so you can cool off. It helps keep your body at just the right temperature so that all parts can function correctly.

This almond-sized gland also senses light and helps you know when it’s time to sleep and when it’s time to be awake. The hypothalamus also causes feelings of hunger and thirst so that you know when you need to eat and drink.

We are wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14)!

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