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Scripture Sleuth

on October 1, 2022

Prophecies are statements about things that will happen in the future. The Bible contains many prophecies.

We know that Jesus is the promised Savior because the New Testament tells us how his birth fulfilled many Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah. Read Matthew 1:18–2:23 and find each of the Old Testament prophecies fulfilled by Jesus’ birth.

God tells us to search for wisdom and understanding.

God tells us to search for wisdom and understanding (Proverbs 2:3–6). The best place to look is in the Bible! So grab your detective gear and let’s investigate Scripture, inspect clues, and discover all that God’s Word has to teach us.

Look for the word “fulfill” or the phrase “written/spoken by the prophets.” For each verse listed, write a summary of the prophecy found in that verse (a verse might have more than one prophecy). Then use words from those verses to fill in the crossword puzzle. If you have trouble, count the letters in each word.

This puzzle will work with many Bible versions including ESV, NASB, and NKJV.

Answers are included in the pdf download.

          6 7      


  • 4. Matthew 2:23 (eight letters)
  • 5. Matthew 1:23 (eight letters)
  • 6. Matthew 2:6 (eight letters)
  • 8. Matthew 2:15 (five letters)


  • 1. Matthew 2:18 (seven letters)
  • 2. Matthew 1:23 (six letters)
  • 3. Matthew 2:6 (nine letters)
  • 7. Matthew 2:6 (five letters)
Scripture Sleuth Cross Word Download PDF

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