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Scripture Sleuth

on July 1, 2022

Some people believe that the Old Testament is full of stories and myths. But when Jesus spoke about people and events from the Old Testament, he referred to them as real and true history.

God tells us to search for wisdom and understanding (Proverbs 2:3–6). The best place to look is in the Bible! So grab your detective gear and let’s investigate Scripture, inspect clues, and discover all that God’s Word has to teach us.

Look up each reference and find the Old Testament names in the word search. Color the letters as you use them. After you find all 17 names, write the remaining uncolored letters in the space below to reveal one of the reasons we can trust the Old Testament.

  1. Matthew 12:3–4
  2. Matthew 12:42
  3. Matthew 22:32 (3 names)
  4. Matthew 24:15–16
  5. Matthew 24:37–39
  6. Mark 10:6–8 (2 names Hint: Genesis 2:20–21)
  7. Luke 4:27 (2 names)
  8. Luke 4:25–26
  9. Luke 11:30
  10. Luke 11:51 (2 names)
  11. Luke 17:28–29
  12. John 3:14

We can know the Old Testament is true because . . .


Challenge: To read more about these people, ask an adult to help you find where they are mentioned in the Old Testament. Use the cross-references or a concordance (a list of words and where they appear in the Bible) to help your search.

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