Horn-tastic Hijinks

on February 6, 2024
Arabian Gazelle

Arabian Gazelle by Christoph Moning, CC BY 4.0, via iNaturalist

Learn more about the Antilopinae—the antelope kind—as Professor Barry Mins studies kinds that may have been on the Ark.

  1. Many species _______ long distances over the course of a year.
  2. Members of this kind are _________, feeding on plants including shrubs, trees, and grasses.
  3. This kind are generally social animals, traveling in ______.
  4. This week’s kind is the Antilopinae—the ________ kind.
  5. Members of this kind ____ in a variety of ways.
  6. Their ________ vary wildly, from rough terrain in the south of Africa, to the Arabian desert, to the savannas of Africa, and the steppes (grasslands) of northwestern Asia.

  • Antelope
  • Groups
  • Habitats
  • Herbivores
  • Mate
  • Migrate
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