Gollum Toad

on June 25, 2024
Gollum's Toad

Gollum's Toad (Ingerophrynus gollum)
sullivanribbit, CC BY-NC 4.0, via iNaturalist

Learn more about the Ingerophrynus—the Philippine toad kind—as Professor Barry Mins studies kinds that may have been on the Ark.

  1. __________ means playing dead
  2. This week’s kind is the _____________ —the Philippine toad kind.
  3. These toads like to eat _______.
  4. Because these toads are so small they must find ways to avoid being eaten by the many _________.
  5. Several species of this kind are __________.
  6. This week, we head to Southeast ____ looking for a small frog genus.

  • Thanatosis
  • Ingerophrynus
  • Insects
  • Predators
  • Endangered
  • Asia
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