Colorful Cobra Mimic

on December 5, 2023

Hey kids, welcome back to our series on the mysteries of created kinds. This week we head to the jungles of northern South America looking for a very colorful snake.

Learn more about the Aniliidae—the false coral snake kind—as Professor Barry Mins studies kinds that may have been on the Ark.

  1. There is just one _______ in this kind.
  2. This snake normally has red and black _______.
  3. They are _________ with a very wide diet.
  4. The false coral snake can be found in the _______ of Northern South America.
  5. They will raise their tail in the posture of a _____ to scare other predators when threatened.
  6. They will eat worm _______.

  • Species
  • Stripes
  • Predators
  • Jungles
  • Cobra
  • Lizards
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