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Scripture Sleuth

Dive Into God's Word

on April 1, 2023

God tells us to search for wisdom and understanding (Proverbs 2:3–6). The best place to look is in the Bible! So grab your detective gear and let’s investigate Scripture, inspect clues, and discover all that God’s Word has to teach us.

Jesus taught many truths in parables. A parable is a short story that uses everyday things to teach a spiritual truth. Jesus taught in parables to separate those who wanted to know spiritual truth from those who didn’t. Only those with “ears to hear,” like the disciples, would understand the deeper meaning hidden in Jesus’ parables (Matthew 13:10–17).

Look up the Scripture references to find the key words. Then see if you can find those words in the word search below.

Scripture References

Matthew 7:24–27
The wise man built his house on the , just like we should build our lives on the solid foundation of God’s Word.

Luke 10:25–37
Jesus told the parable of the to show who our neighbors are and how we should treat them.

Luke 15:3–7
Just like the who rejoices when he finds his lost sheep, there is great joy in heaven when a sinner repents.

Luke 15:8–10
The woman searched diligently for her lost , just like Jesus seeks the lost.

Luke 15:11–24
The prodigal son returned to his and was forgiven, just as the repentant sinner is forgiven by God.

Luke 18:1–8
Jesus used the parable of the persistent to show us that we should keep bringing our requests to God in prayer.

Luke 18:9–14
The parable of the and the tax collector teaches us that we should be humble.

Mark 4:30–32
The kingdom of heaven is like a seed, which starts out small but grows very large.

Word Search

  • Coin
  • Father
  • Mustard
  • Pharisee
  • Rock
  • Samaritan
  • Shepherd
  • Widow
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