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Scripture Sleuth

Dive into God’s Word

on January 1, 2024

God tells us to search for wisdom and understanding (Proverbs 2:3–6). The best place to look is in the Bible! So grab your detective gear and let’s investigate Scripture, inspect clues, and discover all that God’s Word has to teach us.

The 7 C’s of History are seven big events recorded in Scripture that have happened or will happen.

They remind us that we can trust God’s Word to give us information about the history of the universe.

1. Creation

In the beginning, the triune God (Father, Son, and Spirit) created the heavens and the earth. In six days, he made the land, sea, sun and moon, kinds of plants and animals, and the first humans. Everything God created was “very good.”

2. Corruption

Adam and Eve were separated from God when they ate fruit from the tree he told them not to eat from. God judged them and all creation. We call this the fall. Because of the fall, every person is born a sinner.

3. Catastrophe

Adam and Eve’s descendants married and had children. As the population grew, people became more wicked. To punish their sin, God flooded the whole earth. But God saved Noah’s family and at least two of every kind of land animal and flying creature on the ark.

4. Confusion

After the flood, God told Noah and his children to have more children and spread across the earth. Instead, they stayed together. When God confused their language, the people scattered and formed the different people groups in the world.

5. Christ

God knew that people would need a Savior, so he sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to earth. Jesus was both fully God and fully man. He always obeyed his heavenly Father.

6. Cross

Though he never sinned, Jesus was punished for our sins by being put to death on a cross. Three days later, he rose from the dead. When we repent and receive Jesus as Lord and Savior, God will forgive our sins, and we will no longer be separated from him.

7. Consummation

Someday, God will end this fallen world and create a new heaven and earth. This new place will have no sin or death. If we receive Christ’s salvation, we will live there forever with our Creator.



Unscramble the 7 C’s and connect them with their correct number.









Look up these verses and connect them with the correct C.

  • Romans 5:12
  • Genesis 11:5–7
  • 1 Corinthians 15:3
  • Isaiah 65:17
  • Hebrews 11:3
  • John 1:29
  • 2 Peter 2:5
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