One Way—Jesus: Babel and the Gospel (Pre-K)

on August 15, 2019

Bonjour, racers! As you traveled to Europe, the next continent on The Incredible Race, you learned that you need a Savior from your sin! We are born as sinners and we each disobey God. The punishment for sin is death, and we will go to a terrible place called hell when we die. God sent his Son, Jesus, to earth to live a perfect life, die on the cross, and rise from the dead on the third day, taking the punishment for sin. God loved us so much he sent his Son, Jesus, so that anyone who admits they have sinned and believes in Jesus as their Savior can have eternal (forever) life and become a child of God!

On our fourth leg, we discover the need to yield our lives to God as he reaches out to all nations, tribes, and peoples with his love.

Complete the maze.

Babel and the Gospel Maze
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