Week 6: Who Is Our Neighbor?

Luke 10:25–37

by Stacia McKeever on July 31, 2019

Exploring God’s Word takes you into a never-ending treasure trove filled with truth, wisdom, and the words of eternal life from the Creator God. Over the following weeks, you’ll find out what the Bible says about where the different people groups came from and God’s love for them. Your parents, caregivers, or church teachers can help you find the Scripture verses. Print out this devotional (download below) to write or draw your answer in the box beneath each question. Answers are included in the download.

Q. Whom should we love?
Luke 10:25–28

Q. In the story about the Good Samaritan, how did the priest and Levite treat the man who was hurt?
Luke 10:29–32

Q. When Jesus lived on earth, the Jews didn’t like Samaritans. What did the Good Samaritan do for the hurt Jewish man?
Luke 10:33–37

Q. Jesus showed us how to treat others. Whose interests should we put first?
Philippians 2:3–8

Q. How can you be a good neighbor?
Luke 10:29–37

Week Six: Who Is Our Neighbor? Download PDF

Exploring God’s Word: A Bible Study About God’s Love for the Nations

This seven-week devotional takes you into a never-ending treasure trove filled with truth, wisdom, and the words of eternal life from the Creator God.

Browse Kids Book