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Family Devotion Time: Giant Reptiles!

on September 1, 2019

Bible-believing paleontologists (scientists who dig up fossils) love finding the remains of dinosaurs and other reptiles. That’s because the bones tell us so much about these extinct creatures that once roamed the earth, skies, and oceans.

But their bones also remind us of something else: God’s judgment on sin at the time of the flood.

Here’s the Deal

Fossils from the flood show us that God punishes sin, but they remind us that God also made a way for eternal life in Jesus Christ, his Son.

Many of the fossils we find today point back to the flood that covered the whole earth. The raging waters dumped sand and mud on the animals, preserving their bones. Then the water drained off the land, so now we can find their fossils buried under rock all over the earth—even on top of high mountains.

This worldwide bone graveyard shows that God does punish sin, just like he warned Noah that he would (Genesis 6:7). The punishment for sin is death (Romans 6:23). That’s a reminder we should take to heart and a warning we should pay attention to.

But that’s not the only reminder here. God loved Noah so much that he provided a way for him and his family (and all those animals) to escape the flood (Genesis 6:17–22). Later, God sent another way of escape for you and your family too—his Son, Jesus Christ!

If we believe that Jesus died for our sins and then rose from the dead, the Bible promises that God will give us eternal life in him (Romans 10:9). That’s the kind of news that should flood you with joy!

Talk It Over

  • As a family, read Genesis 6–9. Listen for words or phrases that talk about the flood covering the whole earth. Share what you heard.
  • What do the dinosaur fossils remind us about?
  • Many people believe dinosaurs existed millions of years ago. But that’s not what the Bible says. The Bible reveals that they existed about 6,000 years ago. We can believe what the Bible says because it’s God’s Word. How can we help people better understand God’s Word?
Buddy Davis

Hey Kids!

Buddy Davis here. I love studying dinosaur fossils. They remind me that God’s Word is true, from the creation and the flood to the life of Jesus, who came to earth to save sinners!

Family Devotion Time: Giant Reptiles Download PDF

Kids Answers Magazine

Giant Reptiles!

When you think about giant reptiles, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? For most of us, it’s dinosaurs!

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