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Treasure Box

on October 20, 2017


Treasure Box
  • Clamshell (paper or corrugated) sandwich containers, 1 per child
  • Silver or gold spray paint
  • Foam stickers, amount varies
  • Craft foam, amount varies

Tools and Basic Supplies

  • Markers
  • Scissors
  • Glue Sticks


  • Spray paint the containers silver or gold.
  • Cut the craft foam to fit the inside bottom of the container, 1 piece per child.

Teaching Tie-In

Isn't this a cool treasure box? You can keep little treasures in it. But remember—the greatest treasure by far is the Bible. Keep remembering to learn it, love it, and live it!

Class Time Directions

  • Glue stick the craft foam to the inside bottom of the treasure box.
  • Decorate the outside of the treasure box with markers and foam stickers.

Tip Corner

  1. Avoid foam containers. They can’t be spray painted.
  2. Ask fast food restaurants to donate corrugated sandwich containers or offer to pay a nominal amount.
  3. As an alternative to sandwich containers, you can use baby wipe containers or small corrugated cardboard mailers (boxes) available at
  4. Remind the children that the best treasure in the whole world is the Bible.
Treasure Box Download PDF