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Day Five Craft

on November 26, 2022
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Sun Visor


  • Visor Pattern
  • Yellow cardstock, 1 sheet for every 2 children
  • Elastic string, 14-in. per child
  • Hole reinforcement labels, 2 per child

Tools and Basic Supplies

  • Orange and red crayons/markers
  • Scissors
  • ¼-in hole punch


  1. Print the Visor Pattern onto yellow cardstock and cut out.
  2. Punch a small hole in the upper left and upper right corners of the visor.
  3. Add hole reinforcement labels to the underside of each hole.
  4. Cut the elastic string into 14-inch pieces.

Teaching Tie-In

Show the sample craft and say:

Australia is one of the sunniest countries in the world. It’s hot and bright.

We’re going to make a Sunny Sun Visor. When you wear your visor, let it remind you to be a light for Jesus, pointing others to our amazing God. That’s your main mission on earth.

And remember—God has things for you to do. If you want to serve God, then serve others. If you want to love God, then love others. Let everything be done for God. Read 1 Corinthians 10:31.

Class Time Directions

  1. Color the visor, using crayons or markers.
  2. ADULT HELPER ONLY: Insert the elastic through the holes and tie one end. Then adjust the elastic to the child’s head and tie the other end.

Tip Corner

  • Craft foam visor kits can be purchased at craft stores and decorated with sun stickers.

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