Day Five Craft

on February 7, 2022
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  • God’s Attributes Cards Pattern
  • Large white egg rocks (3–4 in.), 1 per child
  • Gold floral wire, 2 ft. per child
  • Brightly colored card stock, 1 sheet per child

Tools and Basic Supplies

  • Wire cutters
  • Office paper cutter
  • Colored permanent markers like Sharpies®
  • Transparent tape


  1. Cut wire into pieces 2 feet long, 1 per child.
  2. Photocopy the God’s Attributes Cards Pattern onto brightly colored card stock, then cut out one set per child.

Teaching Tie-In

Show the sample craft and say:

If I said to you, "God is," what word would you use to finish that? Take responses, and give them helps if needed, such as God is love, God is kind, God is good, God is perfect, God is patient, God is truth. There is a never-ending list of words to describe our amazing God. It's so important to think a lot about God and his goodness because it makes us want to thank him and praise him. It also helps us through tough times. All people have tough times because we live in a broken world. But remembering who God is and that he is trustworthy makes all the difference. He is our rock—always faithful to us! Our rock craft has notes about God to help us remember how great God is. Let's get started making it.

Class Time Directions

  1. Use a Sharpie® to write “God Is My Rock” on your rock. Then decorate with permanent markers as desired.
  2. Lay the wire in front of you, then place your decorated rock on the center point of the wire. Bend both ends of the wire, at the same time, up and around to the top of the rock and twist together as tightly as you can. Continue to twist the two strands of wire together all the way to the end.
  3. If one strand ends up longer than the other, have an adult even up the ends with a pair of wire cutters.
  4. Secure the wire to the underside of the rock with 2 or 3 pieces of transparent tape.
  5. Take the twisted end of the wire and wrap it tightly around a permanent marker 4 or 5 times. Then remove the marker, grasp hold of 2 loops, and gently pull the remaining loops apart as far as desired. The 2 loops at the end will be used to hold the God’s Attributes Cards.
  6. Now display a card by sliding it between the 2 loops at the top. You many need to adjust (bend/twist) the loops so the card faces forward.

Tip Corner

  • Rocks can be purchased online or from local hardware stores.
  • Only one card should be on the wire at a time. You may want to have snack-sized baggies to put the extra cards in.

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God's Attributes Cards

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