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Thumbprint Giraffe Card

on September 28, 2015

Thumbprint giraffe card pattern is available by downloading the pdf version of this project (see below).

Materials ††

  • Thumbprint Giraffe Card pattern ††
  • Yellow cardstock, 1 sheet per child

Tools and Basic Supplies ††

  • Scissors ††
  • Brown stamp pads ††
  • Crayons or markers


  1. Cut the two sections of the Thumbprint Giraffe Card pattern apart. Then create a template for the front of the card using the “Jambo” Giraffe piece, and a template for the inside of the card using the “Jesus loves you . . . ” piece.
  2. Photocopy the front and inside templates onto yellow cardstock, 1 sheet per child.
  3. Fold the sheets in half to make cards.

Class Time Directions

  1. Press your thumb onto the brown stamp pad and then onto the giraffe’s neck. Do this a number of times to create a giraffe print pattern.
  2. Color the inside of the card with crayons or markers and then write your name at the bottom.

Tip Corner

  • Make more than one and have fun giving them to others!
Thumbprint Giraffe Card Download PDF