- 9 ounce clear plastic cups, 2 per child
- Red tissue paper, one 4x4-inch square per child
- Yellow tissue paper, one 4x4-inch square per child
- Orange tissue paper, one 4x4-inch square per child
- Burning bush pattern (download below)
- Transparency sheets, 1 sheet for every 6 children
- Small flickering amber LED tea lights, 1 per child
Tools and Basic Supplies
- Scissors
- Glue sticks
- Transparent tape
- Cut the tissue paper into 4x4-inch squares, enough
for every child to get one of each color (red, yellow,
and orange).
- Print the burning bush pattern onto transparencies
and cut out, one per child.
Teaching Tie-In
Do you remember the account of Moses at the burning
bush? Take responses. Who did Moses meet at the
bush? Take responses. Yes, God! This was what we call a
Christophany, a time when Jesus appeared before coming to earth as a baby.
We know it was Jesus and not God the Father or the
Holy Spirit because the Bible tells us in John 1:18 and
John 14:17 that no one has ever seen the Father or the
Holy Spirit, but we know Jesus has been seen in various
forms by many people throughout time. Our little burning
bush light can be a great reminder of that. Let's get
Class Time Directions
- Crumple the tissue paper squares, then flatten them
- Tear the squares into smaller pieces.
- Glue the pieces, in a random order, all over the
outside of one cup. Continue until the entire cup is
- Tape the burning bush transparency to the front of
the decorated cup.
- Place the decorated cup inside the blank cup.
- Turn on the tea light and place it inside the cup.
Tip Corner
Baby wipes, cut in half, work well for removing glue from
sticky fingers.