Teaching Percentages Soon? Here Are 5 Practical Tips!
Percentages are one of the math concepts that students can see where it is used in real life.
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We want kids to know and love God’s Word! With Twelve Stones Curriculum, students are challenged by a rigorous and comprehensive Bible curriculum to help them believe, defend, and proclaim God’s Word, from the very first verse.
Percentages are one of the math concepts that students can see where it is used in real life.
Making Philippians 4:8 a foundational truth in the classroom will enrich learning and will provide students with tools that they can use throughout their lives.
Many Bible curricula are “fluffy,” simply teaching children God loves them. With Twelve Stones Bible Curriculum, students will go way beyond that with rigorous, but age-appropriate, lessons that are aligned to detailed learning outcomes and a curriculum framework to ensure there are no holes in students’ understanding of God, his Word, and the gospel.
From the youngest grades, students are taught to defend their faith with answers to today’s big questions.
There are many popular conceptions about God’s Word that are false. We help clarify these misconceptions so students can correctly understand Scripture.
We incorporate science experiments, math, language arts, history, and more to show how the Bible is integral and applies to everything.
Students discover how to apply the Bible to the world around them, impacting their hearts with practical truth.
Foundations is our K–4 curriculum. Kindergarten, 1st grade, and 2nd grade are available to order now. Each grade level covers 160 instructional days across 10 units.
Foundations for Kindergarten is an overview of history. Students dive into the 7 C’s of history (Creation–Consummation) plus the time period between Confusion and Christ.
Foundations for Grade 1 takes students from creation through the beginning of the exodus. Students explore the first 4 of the 7 C’s—Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, and Confusion—while also examining important events in the lives of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and Moses and the early history of the nation of Israel.
Foundations for Grade 2 covers from the wilderness wandering through the end of the Old Testament. Students explore important events in the history of Israel and trace God’s promise of the Messiah through accounts of the judges, kings, and prophets.
Our curriculum team is developing content for Grades 3–12 to give students a solid biblical foundation. Subscribe to our email list for updates about future grades coming soon.
Features visuals, posters, hands-on activities, and fun animated videos that bring some of the unique collections from the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter right to your school.
Foundations is available in print, digital-only, and print-plus-digital options to fit the needs of your school or classroom.
Lessons include engaging activities that appeal to different learning styles and preferences.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.