2011 Volume 4

2011 Volume 4
Toward an Accurate Model of Variation in DNA

Toward an Accurate Model of Variation in DNA

pp. 11–23 • Mitchel Soltys

The Bible’s description of created kinds implies an information model which uses variables. The findings in this paper show that a model which uses variables forms a basis for understanding biology.

Where in the World Is the Tower of Babel?

Where in the World Is the Tower of Babel?

pp. 25–53 • Anne Habermehl

This biblical story is believed by many to be the record of a real historical event that took place after the worldwide Flood, at a time when the earth’s population still lived together in one place.

Ancient Egyptian Chronology and the Book of Genesis

Ancient Egyptian Chronology and the Book of Genesis

pp. 127–159 • Matt McClellan

This paper will look at the different possibilities that can be constructed concerning how long each dynasty lasted and how they relate to the biblical dates of the Flood, Tower, and Patriarchs.

Geomorphology of Uluṟu, Australia: Discussion

Geomorphology of Uluṟu, Australia: Discussion

pp. 163–166 • J. A. Bourne , et. al.

Controversy and informed debate are the lifeblood of scientific investigation. Thus Ken Patrick’s 2010 paper on the origin of Uluru is welcome.

Geomorphology of Uluṟu, Australia: Reply

Geomorphology of Uluṟu, Australia: Reply

pp. 167–170 • Ken Patrick

Twidale and Bourne’s comments are appreciated by this author who respects their professional and long-standing experience in the field of modern geomorphology.

Time to Abandon Postmodernism: Living a New Way

Time to Abandon Postmodernism: Living a New Way

pp. 178–183 • Dr. Andrew Fabich

In Western civilization, the Mosaic generation and those that are younger are leaving religious institutions en masse while embracing spirituality nonetheless at unprecedented rates.

Determining the Ark Kinds

Determining the Ark Kinds

pp. 195–201 • Dr. Jean Lightner , et. al.

This research effort provides information necessary for the best possible reconstruction of the animal kinds preserved on the Ark for the Ark Encounter.

ISSN: 1937-9056 Copyright © Answers in Genesis, Inc.