Linguistic Traits of Hebrew Relator Nouns and Their Implications for Translating Genesis 1:1
pp. 1–21 • Dr. Joshua D. Wilson
For nearly a thousand years a small group of proponents have argued for a different translation of Genesis 1:1.
pp. 1–21 • Dr. Joshua D. Wilson
For nearly a thousand years a small group of proponents have argued for a different translation of Genesis 1:1.
pp. 23–29 • Todd S. Beall
It is here argued that the best interpretation is that Adam and Eve are real, historical persons.
pp. 31–47 • Dr. Danny R. Faulkner
Many recent creationists appear to oppose the Hubble relation, the expansion of the universe, and/or cosmological redshifts of quasars.
pp. 49–56 • Dr. Danny R. Faulkner
The hypothesis that extragalactic redshifts are cosmological is strongly supported. I encourage fellow recent creationists to abandon their doubts that extragalactic redshifts are cosmological.
pp. 57–62 • Stefan Frello
Jeanson takes on a formidable task: To show that the theory of evolution is wrong, and to replace it with biblical creation. To make it short: Jeanson fails.
pp. 63–83 • Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson
Ironically, Frello has actually done me a great favor; his review ends up bolstering my original claims.
pp. 85–140 • Dr. Andrew A. Snelling
Since the amount of U and Pb mobility in most cases has been small, then the determinations can be used to provide useful relative ages.
pp. 141–148 • Elizabeth Sled
We have been created fearfully and wonderfully by our Creator God, and the human body showcases God’s intricate design.
pp. 149–170 • Dr. John Baumgardner
This paper describes a numerical model for investigating the large-scale erosion, transport, and sedimentation processes associated with the Genesis Flood.
pp. 171–191 • William Worraker
The Genesis Flood produced drastic geological changes involving extremely energetic processes which also generated an enormous heat load.
pp. 193–204 • Jean O’Micks
Cephalopods, including octopuses, squids, cuttlefish, and nautiluses, are underrepresented in both genome sequencing projects as well as baraminology studies.
pp. 205–209 • Jeffrey P. Tomkins
Results from this study negate the concept of the 98.5% DNA similarity myth and highlight the extremely flawed and humanized nature of the panTro4 version of the chimpanzee genome.
pp. 211–220 • Mark Armitage , et. al.
The palo verde tree is well known to residents of the desert southwest and Mexico, yet there are few studies of it in the technical literature.
pp. 221–226 • Dr. Danny R. Faulkner
Creationists frequently quote Hubble to the effect that he inserted the cosmological principle to avoid stark realties about the universe that his data implied.
pp. 227–236 • Dr. Andrew Fabich
The biblical account of Noah’s Flood provides an update to modern microbial biogeography and modern creation apologetics.
pp. 237–256 • Kurt P. Wise
Fossil Grove offers multiple evidences in support of a huge forest biome floating atop the world’s pre-Flood oceans.
pp. 257–264 • Callie Joubert
It is not unintelligible that God created everything good from the beginning; it is only unintelligible to the person who makes the claim.
pp. 265–274 • Stefan Frello
I used to think that when creationists talk about creation and evolution as a clash between worldviews, they were wrong. Jeanson has helped me change my mind.
pp. 275–299 • Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson
Frello’s recent critique is helpful progress in our discussion, and it argues for the strength of the science in Replacing Darwin.
pp. 301–340 • Dr. Jason Lisle
Randy Guliuzza has made some controversial claims regarding the cause and nature of adaptation of organisms to their environment. We examine his claims.
pp. 341–358 • Dr. Joshua D. Wilson
It is highly improbable that Genesis 1:1 contains a genitive clause, and it is equally improbable that the verse could be rendered with a dependent clause.