Are we causing global warming?. Will many animals and plants go extinct? Global warming has been blamed for increased hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, droughts, and extreme temperatures. While many people support laws to reduce CO2 emissions, believing that this will appreciably slow the progress of global warming, we must consider whether the science supports this claim.
The debate over climate change is far from a settled issue even among secular scientists. There is a lot of controversy, not over climate change itself, as everyone agrees climate changes, but over the cause of such changes, specifically whether man has contributed significantly to such changes.
Simulations confirm that warm oceans after the Genesis Flood caused intense evaporation and snow and ice storms during a single Ice Age of short duration. If we use God’s Word as our starting point, we do not need to rely on unknown mechanisms that require hundreds of thousands of years. The Bible gives us the big picture that helps make sense of our world.
A proper and balanced perspective on caring for the Earth and its inhabitants comes not from merely promoting “environmental awareness” but is only found within the biblical framework, i.e. recognizing humans were created by a loving God and given the responsibility to rule over, subdue, and care for the rest of the Creation, once “very good,” but now suffering from the curse of sin.
Both the media and popular culture are saturated in the hype of global warming and climate change. How should Christians understand this sensitive issue?
How should the Ice Age, glaciers, and wooly mammoths be understood within the framework of the Bible’s history?
God has commanded man to be a good steward of the earth that He entrusted to us. In a time of almost cultish concern for the earth, how do Christians respond?
Are humans causing the earth’s temperature to change?
Even snow harbors its own microscopic garden of life that we have only just unearthed within the last decade.
When a fresh snowfall blankets the world, we retreat indoors to the warm shelter of our homes. But where do wild animals take shelter from the cold?
The lust for ivory threatens elephant populations around the world. Are there solutions to this sinister business?
Electric cars are parked at the center of a charged debate. How can you know when and whether to buy in?
Did the Creator foresee the biological resources we would need to help correct our mistakes, as we fulfill His command to “subdue the earth”?
As stewards of creation, sometimes we must work with fire, not against it.
The green movement is dominated by secular environmentalists. But when it comes to creation care, Christians have a deeper calling.
As modern homesteaders, Erik and Patty Lutz have a firsthand understanding of biblical dominion.
Plastic pollution has invaded even the most remote places. Should Christians be concerned?
As God’s creatures disappear, Christians have the opportunity to model the Creator’s spirit of wise conservation.
Ugly, worthless, annoying—does our opinion of some creatures reflect the Creator’s care or do we need an attitude adjustment?
Secular scientists struggle to explain what caused the cyclical ice ages that many believe happened in the past.
In reality, only a small sampling of climate scientists believes we are facing imminent doom. So why all the insistence on anxiety and panic?
When people reject the Bible, they will misinterpret why the world is changing—including the climate.
Transitional forms in the fossil record are rarely, if ever, observed. This lack of evidence is very damaging to macroevolutionary theory.
Weather forecasting is a good reminder of the limits of science. It is a useful tool, but it is bound by human finiteness and fallibility.
Some people believe creation is something we should worship. Others believe its purpose is to serve mankind’s greater good. Which view is right?
Remnants of a cypress forest were recently discovered off Alabama’s coast. What climate changes could explain such a massive rise in ocean level?
Geologists claim their work with the fossil Dicynodon shows that the supposed terrestrial mass extinction happened before the marine extinction.
What can we do to help corals survive and why should we want to?
A thunderstorm is awe inspiring, but an even more awesome display of God’s power is the supercell.
If lightning never strikes the same place twice, it’s running out of options on the Catatumbo River in Venezuela, South America.
Another prominently reported example of “evolution” illustrates just the opposite—and supports the creationist critique of Darwinian evolution.
Last issue's environment article got the most response. We list the main objections here, followed by comment in brackets.
Amid the pessimism and gloom over the future of the rainforests of the earth, conservation funds are being obtained from the pharmaceutical industry.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.