Motorcyclists to Show Support for Creation Museum

on August 6, 2004

A small legion of motorcyclists will be mounting their iron horses on Saturday, 21 August—riding in from several directions and nearby states—for the “Creation Museum Rally 2004.” In a very visual way, they will show their support for AiG–USA’s Creation Museum project in Northern Kentucky (near Cincinnati, Ohio). About 25 riders, for example, are making a several-hundred-mile journey from Georgia.

What’s behind all this? It’s an interesting story that relates to this website.

Pat McClanahan at the museum

Rally organizer Pat McClanahan rode down the museum’s ramp to the main exhibit floor (now did that ever raise eyebrows among the construction crew!). That same ride down the ramp won’t happen, though, on 21 August, when other cyclists rally at the museum site.

According to the rally’s volunteer organizer, Pat McClanahan of Moores Hill, Indiana (an avid motorcyclist for 35 years), his interest in AiG’s “walk-through-the Bible” museum came “after I was reviewing the AiG website one day, wondering how the museum progress was going. I noticed how different groups were pitching in as volunteers and donors.”

He continued: “I considered a motorcycle rally, and started talking to people in churches and found out that many people didn’t know this project was unfolding in their own backyard and just across the Ohio River in Kentucky! I was amazed! This further prompted me to get busy and help raise funds.”

Mr. McClanahan added: “I think the future Creation Museum will confirm our basic biblical beliefs of how we got here and Who’s in charge.”

He has visited the 50-acre museum site several times to watch the construction progress of the 95,000 sq. ft. building at exit 11 off I-275 in N. Kentucky (and where AiG–US staff may be moving to in early September). He indicated that dozens of riders have already expressed great interest and have registered (although pre-registration is not needed: “Just show up on that Saturday afternoon,” said Pat). Because they are coming from many areas, some are planning their own routes, with all riders converging at the museum site on the afternoon of 21 August.

The largest motorcycle group will assemble at Lesko Park in Aurora, Indiana (off Route 56, which is, as the crow flies, not very far from the museum site) starting at 10 am (note: this part of Indiana is in the eastern time zone, as is N. Kentucky), and will hit the open road in waves. They’ll take a 100-mile journey that will first travel south, following the scenic Ohio River, then cross the Markland Dam into Kentucky and head north along the Ohio River (including a bypass through Kentucky’s historic river town with the quaint name of “Rabbit Hash”).

The 100-mile trip will last about 3 ½ hours, says Mr. McClanahan, who quickly uttered the oft-said biker motto: “Any excuse to ride is always a good one.” He suggested: “Even if you can’t assemble with us in Aurora, Indiana, consider planning your own route and join us at the museum property any time between 1:30 pm and 5 pm [Eastern time]. In fact, about 25 riders from Augusta, Georgia are making the several-hour drive, led by an enthusiastic AiG supporter.”

The first wave of motorcyclists for the “Creation Museum Rally 2004” will converge at the museum property about 1:30 pm, where they will be given a tour of the museum site and inside the building, including the new administrative offices for AiG staff next to the museum shell (which are virtually complete). A food booth, featuring JTM products, will be there to satisfy the hunger of the arriving motorcycle enthusiasts (with a portion of the proceeds benefiting the museum). The riders have already been donating a suggested $10 per person, and many are also collecting museum pledges.

The $25-million museum project has passed the halfway mark for donations (an $800,000 museum donation was recently received from a long-time AiG supporter), and exhibit design continues in earnest. The AiG staff of 85 plans to move into the administrative side of the complex in a few weeks; the museum has a faith promise opening timeframe of spring 2007.


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