
Time, Space, and Matter

The Bible records that, in the beginning (time), God created the heavens (space) and the earth (matter). So the universe itself is a three-in-one of sorts, thereby reflecting its Maker. The logical, orderly way the universe behaves is also a reflection of the One who made it and sustains it by the word of His power.

Quantum Mechanics, Relativity, and String Theory

What should be the reaction of Christians to “weird physics”? If a scientific model does not contradict the Bible, then we should be excited to see what new insights we can gain about the Creator and His workings. As with the question of origins, we must interpret the data through the lens of biblical revelation.

Higgs Boson

No experiment can prove how the universe formed because there is no way to verify for certain that the experiment matches the conditions at the beginning. The Standard Model of Particle Physics may or may not be correct about the Higgs boson but as Christians we still have confidence God is holding all things together (Colossians 1:16–17).

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