Christmas Town

on December 11, 2012

The Creation Museum has many exciting features and hosts a variety of special programs. Undoubtedly, the most extensive and popular annual event is the gospel-centered Christmas Town.

The Creation Museum has many exciting features and hosts a variety of special programs, workshops, exhibits, and dramas. Undoubtedly, the most extensive and popular annual event is the gospel-centered Christmas Town. This free experience has grown tremendously from 11,000 visitors at its inception in 2008 (called Bethlehem’s Blessings at the time) to 25,000 visitors in 2011.

What is Christmas Town? We’re glad you asked.

This unique experience has something for everyone, and each year we add some new surprises. Guests have an opportunity to witness reenactments of important accounts from the first century regarding the birth of Jesus Christ. One of the new surprises this year takes guests even further back in the past, as they can observe two dramas that portray Noah’s sons and their wives preparing for the impending judgment of the global Flood.


God provided physical salvation from the Flood for Noah and his family aboard the Ark, thus preserving the line of physical descent from Adam to Jesus. In a similar way, He has provided eternal salvation through the death, burial, and Resurrection of Jesus to all who will turn from their sins and place their faith in Christ.

Along with these new developments, visitors can see actors portraying Joseph and Mary holding the newborn Jesus in the lower level of a re-created first century house. Above them, an archaeologist clears up some commonly-held misconceptions about the night Jesus was born, including the idea that Joseph and Mary were turned away by an innkeeper. Using a careful study of the Scriptures and archaeological research, this presentation explains what is really meant by the Greek term translated as “inn” or “guest room” in many Bibles.


Four other dramas are presented during Christmas Town. Three of these take place in the Museum’s spacious Legacy Hall. Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, explains what it was like to hear about two of the most famous birth announcements of all time. A fictional member of the temple guard talks about the transformation of his own life that began in shame when he was sent by Herod on a murderous mission to Bethlehem. Anna tells audiences about her encounter with the baby Jesus when Joseph and Mary brought Him to the temple. And as guests walk around the lake, they will encounter one of the magi discussing his life-changing journey to visit the Child “born King of the Jews” (Matthew 2:2).

Lights on the Path

Tickets for the special planetarium show, “The Christmas Star,” will be available for purchase all evening. Viewers can learn about the various theories concerning this mysterious “star” in this seasonal presentation. Visitors won’t want to miss this outstanding educational opportunity.

A tour of Christmas Town would not be complete without a walk through the Garden of Lights. Our beautiful gardens and nature trails are spectacularly lit with tens of thousands of lights in many dazzling displays. While walking these trails, guests have the opportunity to stay warm by purchasing hot drinks or standing by the fire pit. Our petting zoo is also open each night and guests can purchase a camel ride. Young riders (between 36" and 48") can even dress up like one of the magi for a unique experience. Staff from our Foto FX booth will be on hand to capture souvenir photos of the rides!

Lights on the Gazebo

Christmas Town souvenirs and some specially-priced, last-minute Christmas gifts can be purchased in the outdoor first-century marketplace or the Dragon Hall Bookstore. Also, visitors have the opportunity to tour the main exhibits of the Creation Museum for only $5.00 after 5:00 on each Christmas Town evening!

For more information on this stunning, one-of-a-kind event, check out the Christmas Town page on the Creation Museum website. Don’t miss the page of tips for making the most of your trip. Visitors are encouraged to arrive early and, if at all possible, carpool with friends or family members to help with traffic flow and ensure the easiest parking experience. Remember to dress in layers appropriate for winter weather, and plan to enjoy a special turkey dinner at Noah’s Café.

Here at the Creation Museum, we desire to introduce people to Jesus Christ, our Creator, Lord, and Savior. Christmas Town is a free event that gives us an opportunity to share the gospel message with thousands of visitors every year. Please consider visiting and inviting your friends, family, and neighbors to join you for this gospel-centered experience.


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