5 Tips for Building a Biblical Worldview in Your Kids

by Ken Ham on May 14, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Late last year, I wrote a blog commenting on a new study that found that “only 3% of children have the ‘cornerstone beliefs’ that make a biblical worldview.” Only 3 in 100 children! And studies tell us that most children will have developed their worldview by the time they are 13. This means the vast majority of the next generation will not have a biblical worldview. So what can parents do?

Well, here are five tips for building a biblical worldview in your kids:

  1. Do worship time together as a family. Prioritize a time each day (or at least several times a week) where dad leads the family in worship of the Lord, reading and discussing the Bible, and using extra resources for more study (e.g., devotionals, commentaries like this one, catechisms, etc.).
  2. Don’t just teach “Bible stories.” Many parents think as long as their children are familiar with the major biblical accounts (so-called “Bible stories”) and understand good moral lessons from those accounts, they’ve done their job. But the Bible isn’t just a collection of “stories” or good moral teachings—it’s the foundation for our thinking. We need to be diving into God’s Word with our children and applying its teaching to the big issues of our day, always emphasizing that God’s Word is our authority in all areas. Help them understand the Bible is a history book—God’s history book.
  3. Use God’s Word to disciple your kids. Parenting isn’t just getting our children to behave the way we want them to. We want them to have a heart change, and that comes through God and his Word. So as we train our children, we should be gently using the Scriptures to encourage them in righteousness.
  4. Teach your children to think foundationally from God’s Word to build a Christian worldview and to be equipped with apologetics to be able to defend the Christian faith.
  5. Find good resources to share with your kids. Not all Christian resources are created equal! Find and use resources that teach children doctrine, theology, and apologetics so they have a deep understanding, from a young age, of what they believe and why they believe it (you can find a wide variety of resources like those in our online store). Teach your children to think foundationally from God’s Word to build a Christian worldview and to be equipped with apologetics to be able to defend the Christian faith.
  6. Know it’s never too early or too late to begin! You can begin teaching truth to babies and toddlers—but if your children are preteens or teens, you can still use the years you have left with them in your home to disciple them, trusting the Lord with the results. No matter your child’s age, just start doing it!

Nothing is more important than passing on a spiritual legacy to your children!

Explore Apologetics

Oh, and here’s a bonus tip—if you have teens, consider sending them to our upcoming Explore Apologetics event with Worldview Academy. During this unique, weeklong camp experience, students will hear from Answers in Genesis speakers, including myself, Dr. Georgia Purdom, Patricia Engler, Bryan Osborne, Rob Webb, and Jessica DeFord, along with the trusted faculty from Worldview Academy, like my friend Bill Jack. Students will also tour the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter.

It will be an amazing week of building a more biblical worldview and being equipped with apologetics. I strongly encourage you to register your teen today.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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