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Creation Museum 6 DVD Collection

Enhanced Edition

List Price: $77.94
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  • Format: DVD Set
  • Dimensions:
  • Length: 147 minutes
  • Technicality: Layman
  • Ages: 8 and up
  • Publisher: Answers in Genesis
  • Published: 2007
  • ID: 1000209
  • SKU: 90-7-396
  • ISBN:
  • UPC:
  • Includes optional English subtitles

Visitors to the Creation Museum are “blown away” by the quality of the video presentations they view while there. Now, you can watch these informative videos from the comfort of your own home. 40 programs plus bonus elements on 6 DVDs.


What’s Included $78 value

  • Enhanced edition Dinosaurs & Dragon Legends: Enhanced edition

    Man really did walk with dinosaurs! Both were created on Day 6 of Creation Week. Explore the biblical record, the fossil record, and dragon stories from around the world with this DVD. Contains 2 programs .

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  • Flood Geology

    This stunning collection of videos from the Creation Museum explains the possible mechanisms for the Flood and the tremendous effects it had on the earth. Be fascinated and educated as you watch these eye-opening programs. Contains 10 programs.

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  • Enhanced edition Heaven and Earth: Enhanced edition

    This amazing video from the Creation Museum highlights the beauty and majesty of God’s awe-inspiring handiwork throughout the seemingly endless universe. Contains 8 programs.

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Show all 6 items


Each DVD includes English subtitles.

Introducing the Creation Museum DVD Collection!

As families experience the Creation Museum, and as they sit in the theaters along the way, they are amazed by the content and quality of dozens of video programs produced exclusively for the museum experience. Now, you can own (and share!) the award-winning Creation Museum videos! The six DVD compilations in this collection include 40 of the most popular Museum programs.

This “Enhanced Edition” includes expert commentary by the museum's content manager, Mike Matthews. This one bonus feature alone effectively doubles the amount of educational content of the 40 programs. Also, the three museum “theater” movies are included in this series—The Last Adam, Six Days & Other Biblical Perspectives, and Dinosaurs & Dragon Legends—and all feature exclusive Director’s Commentary and back-story by series’ director, John Grooters (Grooters Productions). Finally, each of the six compilation DVDs in this collector's quality edition features a downloadable PDF of a high quality poster (from Answers magazine), plus a web link or PDF file to a related article. Excellent for outreach and discipleship! This collection is the highest quality and most cutting-edge DVD resource published by Answers in Genesis to date! (Bonus material is Windows compatible.)

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