• The Lessons of Surtsey


    By way of a specific example of rapid geomorphological development, we may refer to the volcanic island of Surtsey, off Iceland.

  • Edgar Andrews Articles


    Oct 1, 1982 ... By way of a specific example of rapid geomorphological development, we may refer to the volcanic island of Surtsey, off Iceland.

  • How on Earth Could They Do That?


    How did animals get from Ararat to the four corners of the globe? Did kangaroos really hop all the way to Australia?

  • Tuluman–A Test of Time


    A new-born island provides lessons about thngs that "look old."

  • A Relic of the Past


    Why Does the Earth Look So Old?

  • Does Sand Prove Long Ages?


    Dr. Andrew Snelling, AiG–U.S., gives a young earth creation explanation of the formation of beaches and other sands.

  • How Did Animals Spread All Over the World from Where the Ark ...


    The worldwide distribution of animals, say critics, proves that there could never have been a global Flood or an Ark. Paul Taylor refutes this claim.

  • Are Stars Still Forming Today?


    The secular media often report new evidence of stars in the process of formation. They say this supports star evolution. What do creationists think?

  • Did Noah Need Oxygen Tanks on the Ark?


    Why would someone ask this question? Let’s back up and look at this from a big picture. Consider what the Bible says about the voyage of the ark.

  • 第十一章动物如何出挪亚方舟并分散到世界各地?


    冰岛附近的Surtsey 火山在1963年的爆发六个月后,少数细菌、霉菌、昆虫及鸟 ... 与现代的迁移事件比较,像Surtsey所说明的,再殖民不需要很长时间。圣经清楚指出 ...

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