The appendix has long been maligned as an obsolete vestigial remnant of digestive evolution. Is it really as worthless as people say, or does it have a purpose after all?
Do humans really still have 9 Useless Body Parts? From a biblical view accepting God as Creator, we understand vestigial structures are indeed vestiges—“footprints”—but not of a hypothetical, unwitnessed, unproven evolutionary origin. Vestigial structures are actually the “footprints” of embryology and the “footprints” of the efficiently engineered designs of our common Designer, God.
Another so-called vestigial organ finds a function. Marine biologists have long thought the “adipose fin” on the back of some fish was vestigial. Located between the dorsal and tail fins, the small adipose fin is often clipped by hatcheries to track the salmon they produce. University of Victoria biologist Tom Reimchen, reasoning that the adipose fin would not persist “for 60 million years unless it had some use,” decided to investigate. He found that removal of the fin forced fish to expend more energy to swim.
“Shocking human tail surgically removed from newborn,” the headlines proclaimed. According to news reports, a baby boy was recently born in Brazil with a “human tail with a ball at the end of it.”
Vestigial organs are supposedly useless leftovers from our evolutionary past. However, this claim requires preconceived belief and an ignorance of the evidence.
The “human tail” is just one example of what evolutionists call a “vestigial organ.”
Can YouTube video “Proof of Evolution That You Can Find on Your Body” prop up the human evolutionary story through our presumably useless body parts?
Vestigial organs have long been one of the classic arguments used as evidence for evolution.
The appendix has gotten a bad rap over the years. It’s often tossed out as a useless evolutionary leftover.
The appendix has long been maligned as an obsolete vestigial remnant of digestive evolution. Is it really as worthless as people say?
Charles Darwin once claimed the human body contains evolutionary leftovers, and Fox news ran with the story—150 years later.
The vestigial vestigial organ arguments
Marine biologists have long thought the “adipose fin” on the back of some fish was vestigial. But a recent study finds a function for this fin.
If there were an all-knowing Creator, why would He design men with a structure for which they have no use? Dr. Tommy Mitchell, AiG-U.S., explains why males have nipples.
Time-lapse photos of a human embryonic face taking shape—unlike Haeckel’s fraudulent woodcuts—are authentic. But not even those assembled photos can peer back through time to prove evolution.
Students still see the appendix mentioned as vestigial.
“Creationists will have a field day with this one,” writes one blogger on the news. Bingo.
Another study reminds us that the idea of “vestigial organs” is, itself, vestigial!
If you’re a creationist, you’ve probably known it for a while; if you’re an evolutionist, you may be just finding out: the human appendix does have a function.
In a recent article, New Scientist discusses five supposed vestigial organs in the human body, but as Dr. David DeWitt shows, there’s more to the story than evolutionists will admit.
PDF DownloadThe function of the human appendix—long derided as a useless leftover of evolution—has “finally” been uncovered.
Surgeons and immunologists at Duke University Medical School suggest that the appendix produces and protects beneficial germs for use in the intestines.
Almost every secular biology textbook today includes a section on vestigial structures—structures that are supposed remnants from ancestors that have lost their original function or capacity.
Many have abandoned faith in the Bible influenced by such arguments—arguments which are themselves ‘vestigial’, the vestiges of supposed truths that, when used today, are useful only to mislead.
Evolutionists continue to propose a few of our smaller and least understood muscles as being vestiges of once useful organs left over from putative evolutionary ancestors.
The standard definition of ‘vestigial’ is an organ that once was useful in an animal’s evolutionary past, but that now is useless or very close to useless.
Research now indicates that the reasons for most third molar problems today are not due to evolutionary changes but other reasons.
The appendix is commonly referred to as a classic example of a vestigial organ.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.