Throughout the world’s rock layers there are billions of fossils, the remains of organisms that were catastrophically buried largely during the global Flood (2348 BC). Understandably the vast majority of these are marine creatures and they were buried quickly and sequentially by habitat.
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Do fossils require millions of years to form? Hardly! Even secular geologists now recognize that rocks form very quickly.
Each visitor to Dinosaur National Monument sees the same evidence—massive amounts of dinosaur (and other) fossils all jumbled together. How one explains the formation of this fossil bed depends on one’s worldview. When viewed from a biblical perspective, the evidence is consistent with what one would expect from a worldwide Flood.
This research reminds us of the caution we should accord to every fossil reconstruction. Especially when it comes to supposed “ape-men” like Lucy, Ardi, and others, we must be aware of the fact that evolutionary ideas may be (consciously or subconsciously) guiding the reconstruction.
We can never answer all the questions. But with practice at “fossil sleuthing” from a biblical perspective, at least we can get better and better at evaluating each new discovery in a God-honoring way that might yield new insights into God’s person and work.
The presence of soft tissue in dinosaur bones cries out for a young earth, not for millions of years. These not-so-dry bones support the Bible’s history!
Dinosaur bones aren’t the only artifacts left behind by these creatures. Fossilized footprints point toward the watery cataclysm that buried the dinosaurs.
The fossil record, billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth, is dramatic evidence of the historicity of Noah’s Flood.
Do fossils really require millions of years to form? The evidence shouts no! A lot of water and a little bit of time rapidly laid down the fossil record.
Living fossils, organisms previously known only through the fossil record and having no close living relatives, pose a grim threat to the evolutionary paradigm.
Evolution predicts a fossil record bursting with transitional fossils. Curiously, there are only a handful of highly-disputed fossils that are claimed as such.
The fossil record shows more biodiversity than our current ecosystems. This incredible diversity clearly demonstrates the handiwork of the Creator!
This headline certainly made me look twice, “If dinosaurs hadn’t gone extinct, we may not have delicious grapes.”
Researchers found a fossilized brittle star “frozen in time” during the brief period between splitting and full regrowth of its missing body half.
Soft tissue poses a problem for evolutionists—but it confirms the biblical timeline.
Paleontologists have dusted off 45 new dinosaur species every year since 2003, and many of these discoveries unearthed dinosaurs with especially unique features.
In a few rare spots, geologists find fossils of strange eight-foot-tall “mushrooms.” What do they tell us about the mysterious world they came from?
Ask the average layperson how he or she knows that the earth is millions or billions of years old, and that person will probably mention the dinosaurs.
The fine details preserved in fossils mystify evolutionists but not paleontologists who believe in the Genesis flood.
Putting together the pieces of this puzzle points to the cataclysmic events of the global flood.
Evolutionists like to talk about change, so how do they explain so many living creatures that look like their fossilized ancestors?
Horseshoe crabs are called “living fossils” because the ones you see in aquariums today look the same as their ancestors deep in the fossil record.
Anyone who doubts there was once a “lost world” during the ice age simply needs to visit the La Brea Tar Pits in downtown L.A.
The hoatzin is a very unique bird, a conglomeration of traits typical of birds, reptiles, and mammals. Its most unique features are distinctly un-birdlike.
Ichthyosaurus is well studied, and research on their skeletons has provided evidence for incredible design and the global flood.
Saccorhytus is, the authors believe, the oldest and simplest known deuterostome, the evolutionary forebear of all vertebrates and some invertebrates.
Despite a large body of evidence for the authenticity of the dinosaur tissue, there remains a pattern of denial within the evolutionist community.
Beautifully preserved fossils are so common that we overlook how unusual they are.
Animals can show up in the oddest places and make evolutionists scratch their heads as is the case with the newly discovered monkey fossils.
Can changes from molecules-to-man (macroevolution) be explained by (extrapolated from) the process of mutation-selection (microevolution)?
Evolutionists have come to largely accept the fact that soft tissues can be preserved in fossils for an extraordinarily long time. But millions of years . . . ?
The fossil of a creature resembling a groundhog that lived during the time of dinosaurs has become an anomaly for evolutionists.
Cartorhynchus lenticarpus, whose discovery was hailed last November, is being hailed as an evolutionary link, but this characterization is premature.
Did jawed vertebrates start out with bones or not? Evolutionists want to know.
Massive Dreadnoughtus said to shed light on the evolution of gigantism.
Get used to seeing feathers on all evolutionary depictions of dinosaurs, not just theropods!
China’s Jurassic fossils get a new name.
Three-dimensional images of fossil will force evolutionists to revise their terrestrial story, but not much.
Evolutionary researchers claim to have pinpointed the origin of intelligence.
Orphan eggs in Cretaceous Spain offer ambiguous clues to their missing parents.
Fossil diversity “accurately reflects history”—but which version of history?
Burgess Shale said to shelter “the most primitive known vertebrate and therefore the ancestor of all descendant vertebrates, including humans.”
Another big mouth beast becomes an honorary member of the baleen club.
We’ve all seen photographs of insects, arachnids, and other small creatures trapped in amber. But a lizard?
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.