Our five senses cannot detect everything. The world is full of information beyond our reach, but many animals have “sixth senses”—super senses that enable them to experience other dimensions of our world. These bonus senses help these creatures survive and thrive in their habitats.
If our genes and cells arose randomly through competition for supremacy, then how can we explain so many wonderful processes where cells are programmed to sacrifice themselves for the good of the whole, especially during development?
The defense mechanisms of just about every group in the animal kingdom could provide us with a lifetime of enjoyable study. It appears that these abilities were genetically present in the original creatures, but activated after Adam sinned, when God cursed the creation.
At first glance, horse legs appear to be poorly designed. Taking a closer look at the equine leg bone, however, scientists have discovered unexpected features that give it amazing strength and may inspire new engineering ideas.
God made his handiwork so clear that even a child can see it (Romans 1:18–20). The beauty of his work is inescapable—and an undeniable witness to his existence.
Cambridge researchers discovered functioning mechanical gears in juvenile leafhoppers as “training wheels,” showing that God created gears long before humans.
We’ve all heard about “the five senses”—sight, taste, touch, smell, and hearing. But are there other ways to experience the world?
Nature reveals so much more about God’s character than a few hints we might easily overlook.
God designed a clever coat of insulation that makes life a breeze for animals that call the arctic their home.
God brushed the canvas of His creation in colorful strokes that could only have come from His hand.
Bioluminescence helps many animals hunt, hide, or reproduce, and it remains a riddle for evolutionary scientists.
One of the things that becomes a total contradiction to the proposition of biological evolution is the reality of feedback.
Did caffeine evolve again and again or did our Common Designer provide many plants with the genes to make it?
Good designs last, evolutionists conclude, but where did they come from in the first place?
Microbes live in a mutualistic relationship with the human body, make up the human microbiome, and play a role in our health by modulating the immune system.
A genetically engineered toxin is said to show how scorpions evolved.
The journal Science reported in September the discovery of the first mechanical gears to be found in a living organism.
In 2013, it seems that animals—ever a prominent theme for evolutionary biologists—have proven a marvelous showcase for God’s designs.
If like millions of other people you find that caffeine in your coffee, tea, or cola seems to improve your day, you’re not alone.
You don’t have to travel far to enjoy a getaway that will also build your biblical worldview.
Taking a closer look at the equine leg bone, scientists have discovered unexpected features giving amazing strength and may inspire new engineering ideas.
If our genes and cells arose randomly through competition for supremacy, then how can we explain so many wonderful processes where cells are programmed to sacrifice themselves?
Everything in God’s creation was originally “very good,” but now many microbes cause disease and death.
If God made a perfect world, where did harmful abilities come from?
Snakes are killing machines.
What amazing structure is strong yet lightweight? And just as importantly, who was the designer?
Three stories this week provide salient reminders of the design apparent in creation—whether it be in structures we’re just beginning to understand, or in engineers taking cues from nature to construct their machines.
The Curse ushered in a brutal world of animals hunting and killing each other to survive.
An element of nature “designed”—a slip-up or a rare admission?
No wonder houseflies can be so difficult to target: their guidance-control systems are sophisticated enough that they may inspire improvements to control systems in autonomous air vehicles.
Regardless of the attention given to those clingy gecko feet, gecko tails play an important role in keeping the mobile little creatures agile.
Kenneth Miller, a Brown University cell biologist and professing Catholic who is one of evolution’s most vocal defenders, says it’s time for evolutionists to “reclaim the language of ‘design.’”
Everyone knows that tortoises aren’t exactly nature’s most agile creatures. The plodding manner of the reptiles is fabled, and we haven’t heard of any arrests for illegal tortoise fighting.
A unique type of spider that spends its entire life underwater uses silk to spin personal “scuba tanks” for various purposes, including oxygen supply.
The second of three design-in-nature articles this week highlights the amazing flight maneuvering capabilities of bats.
In this study the pygidial gland and nozzle of one species of Bombardier Beetle is studied under light and electron microscopy (SEM and TEM) and are shown to be quite complex.
It’s only when our technology begins to get close to God’s that we start to understand the “marvellous” designs that He has used!
In the last century, our society’s dependence on electricity and all the devices associated with it has grown phenomenally.
Michael Denton’s book “Evolution: A Theory in Crisis” has exposed thousands to the overwhelming scientific problems of Darwinian belief.
The cells of the human body can produce at least 100,000 different types of proteins, all with a unique function. The information to make each of these complicated molecular machines is stored on the well-known molecule, DNA.
Mount Rushmore, in the Black Hills of South Dakota, USA, is a spectacular memorial to four United States Presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt.
Rotating devices, such as wheels, gears and rotary motors do not seem to feature in the natural world of living things. Evolutionists would claim that they know why.
When man discovered the dolphin’s secret, they tried to copy it! Such an ingenious design owes its origin to God, the Master Designer. The real patent belongs to Him!
Have you ever noticed that when one considers two apparently different items, any characteristics they do hold in common can also be found in a wide variety of other things?
Attempts to build better mechanical hands have shown experts how incredibly complex is the real human hand.
Man possesses a complicated temperature control system. It is in reality an automatic, computerised thermostat which works day and night to keep man’s body at approximately 36.8 C or 98.4 F.
Many of our textbooks suggest that it is man’s superior intelligence which has enabled our species to modify the environment by technological innovations and so give us some control of our evolution.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.