God’s people need to stand on the truth of God’s Word beginning in Genesis 1:1 and not compromise with the secular religion of the day—evolution and millions of years. The more this compromise runs rampant in the church, the more we will see people doubt God’s Word in Genesis and be put on a slippery slope to unbelief.
There is no such thing as being “worldview neutral” because that belief in itself is a worldview! Moreover, Jesus dispelled the myth of neutrality when He stated, “He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad
” (Matthew 12:30).
We all have the same evidence but it doesn’t speak for itself. All evidence must be interpreted based on a belief system. As a Christian, we should use the Bible to explain the evidence.
Moral-mimicking animal behaviors prove nothing about our moral origins. God created Adam and Eve in His own image with both an understanding of what was good and the choice to obey their Creator or to rebel. And if we want to know a universal standard of morality, the Creator provided a single standard authoritative yardstick of morality in the Bible.
Christianity is the religion that worships Jesus as God and trusts in him for salvation from our sins. Christians trust the Bible as the authoritative Word of God.
Our culture is rapidly decaying as the biblical worldview is ostracized and oppressed. More than ever, Christians need to stand on the authority of God’s Word!
The family is under attack today like never before. The Bible provides solid answers and God’s design for family, parenting, and marriage.
How should Christians view or celebrate traditional holidays such as Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter?
In logic and reasoning eventually you have to appeal to an absolute authority. Which is your authority: the Bible or man’s word?
Does morality—right and wrong—depend upon what the majority decides? Or is morality founded upon the rock-solid foundation of God’s Word?
Presuppositions are simply beliefs that everyone has that affect how we think, view the world, interpret evidence, and read the Bible.
Scripture declares there is only one race—the human race! Since we are all descendants of Adam and Eve and we are all one blood, there is no basis for racism.
Well-established legal principles defending religious freedom are important to defend against government abuses.
Mankind is made in God’s image and therefore human life is sacred. But euthanasia, eugenics, and abortion flow naturally from pond-scum-to-people evolution.
Why am I here? What is purpose of life? Do I even matter? Your worldview determines your answers to some of life’s most perplexing questions.
Is the biblical God just one of many deities? Is Christianity just one of several paths that lead to heaven? How do we know who is right?
Genesis—especially the first 11 chapters—is the historical foundation on which all our doctrine is based, either directly or indirectly.
There’s a whole world full of beautiful places to explore. But what does Jesus’ earthly ministry teach us about truly seeing the world?
You can’t separate the truth about God’s work in the physical world from spiritual truths without drastic consequences.
We are right only because God has taught us to know what is right. How quickly we can forget that.
“Homophobic.” “Misogynist.” How do Christians address the criticism that they’re hate-filled bigots?
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.