The Flood of Noah’s day (2348 BC) was a year-long global catastrophe that destroyed the pre-Flood world, reshaped the continents, buried billions of creatures, and laid down the rock layers. It was God’s judgment on man’s wickedness and only eight righteous people, and representatives of every kind of land animal, were spared aboard the Ark.
Examining the immense biblical data for Noah’s flood as an actual, year-long, worldwide, and catastrophic flood about 4,500 years ago.
Did Noah experience a local flood which left only a few sediment layers, as floods do today? God’s record is clear: the water covered the entire globe and killed all the animals on earth. Such unique conditions are the only way to explain worldwide fossil-bearing layers thousands of feet deep.
Geologists repeatedly discover the catastrophic effects of local flooding on the earth’s surface, resulting in the same conclusion each time: that substantial amounts of water can have the same geological effect in a short period of time (even laying down rock layers) that hypothesized millions of years of slow water flow would have.
Like people today, almost certainly the people of Noah’s day were busy enjoying the pleasures of life and did not believe or care that judgment was coming. In 2 Peter 2:5, Noah is described as a “preacher of righteousness
Psalm 104:6–9 sheds important additional light on the geological effects of the Flood. “The mountains rose, the valleys sank down to the place which You established for them” (vs. 8).
Are current, slow geologic processes the key to understanding earth’s past, or was history marked by a global, earth-shaping catastrophe?
Flood legends abound globally across many distinct cultures. These legends point to the reality of the global Flood and the integrity of the account in Genesis.
Was the Genesis Flood merely a localized event or was it a global catastrophe that judged and destroyed the world of that time?
How should the Ice Age, glaciers, and wooly mammoths be understood within the framework of the Bible’s history?
The purpose of the articles in this series is to raise ideas about Noah, his world, the Ark, and the Flood in ways that most people have not considered before.
You can’t separate the truth about God’s work in the physical world from spiritual truths without drastic consequences.
Secular scientists see evidence of global catastrophe on Venus and Mars. So why can’t they admit the evidence on earth?
God ensured the ark was well-suited to withstand the flood.
Forests in Antarctica? This frigid, forbidding continent is full of surprising evidences for the worldwide flood.
Christians need not be intimidated by “scientific” pronouncements that deny the clear words of Genesis. Evidences for the flood are everywhere if your assumptions don’t blind you to them.
How can we be sure there was a worldwide flood as the Bible claims? These five strong evidences show that the catastrophic event really happened.
Genesis highlights the global extent of the flood with language and themes that echo the Genesis 1 creation account.
We can only imagine what happened after the Flood! Consider five major examples of catastrophes that reshaped the planet.
God blessed Noah’s obedience—but that doesn’t mean life after departing the ark was easy.
When you look closely at Lake Superior’s landscape, you’ll see evidence of a catastrophic past.
Where is all that water [from the Flood] now? Our planet is covered in 70% water, so the water from the Flood is still here, making up our oceans!
The Scriptures are silent on the issue of whether there were any volcanoes or earthquakes in the world before the Flood, but we do know there were mountains.
How could neat uniform sedimentary rock layers be deposited during the Flood cataclysm with all the fast-moving waters?
Geologists are uncovering evidence that meteors struck the earth throughout the Flood. Could they even have played a role in starting the Flood?
What evidence do we see that a global Flood devastated the earth’s surface during Noah’s day—on a scale unlike anything we see today?
Sometimes nature gives us a glimpse at the possibilities during the flood. Such a glimpse was provided by a recent ice storm on the mountains of Hawaii.
According to God’s Word, the great Flood of Noah’s day was the most devastating catastrophe in history. Noah’s Flood ripped apart the earth. We’re not talking about boulders but whole mountains. In some places, slabs the size of cities slid dozens of miles in minutes.
As Christians we need to consider the account of the Flood (and other judgement passages) in light of what the Bible states about God and humanity.
People often refer to rock layers as though the earth is made of solid rock, impervious to water. Thankfully, this isn’t true.
Some Christians claim Noah’s Flood was local, and it doesn’t really matter what we believe about it. Does this view hold water?
We’ve always heard that oil and water don’t mix, but sometimes water and water don’t mix.
Animals can show up in the oddest places and make evolutionists scratch their heads as is the case with the newly discovered monkey fossils.
Misunderstandings are on full display when it comes to the biblical account of the Flood. Are you guilty of any of these ten common misconceptions?
The timing could not be better for AiG’s new VBS for 2016—Ocean Commotion!
The Flood is impossible because one of the Grand Canyon’s layers was deposited in a desert. Or so evolutionists claim. Do the facts back them up?
These beautiful bows remind me of my parents’ teaching of what the Bible says about God’s purpose in giving us the rainbow.
We do not reject any evidence that is found, whether it is an ancient tool or fossilized bones. What we often reject are the interpretations of this data.
Have you ever been “tongue-tied” when asked to provide geologic evidence that the Genesis Flood really did occur, just as the Bible describes?
We know mankind had one language after the Flood, before God confused the languages at Babel. Could other languages have formed prior to Noah’s Flood?
God only brought to the Ark representatives of all the created kinds of air-breathing, land-dwelling creatures. How did freshwater and saltwater fish survive?
Are dominant views about Flood chronology true to Scripture?
Many critics of the Genesis account of history scoff at the idea of plants and seeds lasting for a year in fresh and salt water, therefore discounting the biblical account of the Flood.
National Trust caves in to pressure at the Causeway.
Critics assert that two different dates are given for when the earth was dry after the global Flood. Michael Belknap, AiG–U.S., explains.
Abruptness of ancient oceanic alterations fit the Flood.
Wouldn’t the destructive forces of Noah’s Flood have released so much mercury into the environment that it would poison everything and make life impossible?
Old-earth creationists such as Hugh Ross claim Psalm 104:6–9 refers to the Creation Week, but a closer look shows otherwise.
Amid the otherworldly Death Valley of California, geologists are seeing a 1941 stream diversion carve out the land before their very eyes.
This is a series of articles explaining the evidences from geology for the Genesis Flood.
A giant oyster shell found on land is yet another reminder of the global Flood.
It is important to compare the differences in these two flood accounts in order to examine their relationship.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.