Research Biologist, Speaker
International speaker and author of The Great Turning Point
VP of Educational Content, Director of Research
Geologist and author of Earth’s Catastrophic Past: Geology, Creation, and the Flood
Many secular and atheist groups mock Answers in Genesis and the Creation Museum for not being scientific. However, some of the most influential scientists past and present have been and are creationists (see below).
Would you like to add your name to the list or be involved in our peer review process? If so, please review our scientist inclusion procedure and tell us about yourself (for those who have received a PhD or master’s degree).
Most aspects of modern life rest, in some way, on Isaac Newton’s findings. It’s no surprise that everyone, even biblical creationists, wants to claim him as their hero. But whose side is he really on?
An historical overview of Carl Linnaeus, the Swedish botanist and biblical creationist who developed the influential Linnaean classification system in biology.
Dr. Andrew Fabich compares Isaac Newton’s worldview to the “neomodern” worldview that developed after Albert Einstein—and how it relates Elon Musk’s SpaceX.
Gregor Mendel is perhaps one of the most well-known scientists in history.
What do blood cells in a fossilized insect, Noah’s sons, dinosaur soft tissue, the Grand Canyon, and stars all have in common? They are topics of AiG research
How did a science professor who once dismissed the Bible as a made-up storybook become an outspoken advocate of creation?
Even as skepticism spreads around the globe, the creation movement is flourishing. Meet some of the new generation of creation scientists.
Since the beginning of modern science, creationists have strived to explain our world based on the unchanging laws of our Creator.
It appears that Venema fits facts to his preconceived conclusions. Data and facts from YEC scientists that contradicted his claims were left out.
Interview with Biologist, Dr. Joe Francis
Dr. Raymond Damadian, the inventor of the MRI scanner, is a Christian and a young-earth creationist.
A name like “Creation Research, Science Education Foundation (CRSEF)” may not capture much attention. But dinosaurs sure will.
Tommy Mitchell is now a speaker for Answers in Genesis, but for years in medical practice, he knew Christ and still accepted evolution.
Seeing how powerfully God displays His nature through His creation (Romans 1:20), Stew Turner decided to integrate his photographs into his creation ministry.
We must consider why the scriptural geologists wrote on this subject, summarize the contemporary reactions to their writings, and then analyze the reasons for the reactions of their opponents.
Some evolutionists have stated that creationists cannot be real scientists.
As a Christian, I am thoroughly enthralled when exploring the world created by our Savior. As a scientist, I see so many mysteries yet to be solved.
Read how one scientist received his PhD while being a creationist.
Can a Christian safely navigate the waters of a secular university to beome a geoligist? Dr. Andrew Snelling, AiG–US, offers encouragement and advice.
2009 marks the anniversary of the birth of one of the greatest scientists of all time.
Are there scientists who have converted from the old-earth view? Dr. Tommy Mitchell shows us one who has.
This article is based on a recent conversation between Ken Ham (president and CEO of Answers in Genesis) and Dr. Andrew Snelling.
A new exhibit in Jerusalem gives a glimpse of documents that highlight the “religious intensity of a man many consider history’s greatest scientist.”
After a life of learning, geologist Roger Sigler has concluded that when it comes to “origins,” the Scriptures should be searched first and foremost.
Dr. Georgia Purdom gives her testimony about the path that led her to become a part of AiG.
Although evolutionists interpret the evidence in light of their belief in evolution, science works perfectly well without any connection to evolution.
How would you like to fly in an airplane produced by chance random processes—no intelligence involved?
Ken Ham interviews Ralph DiCosimo, a New York police officer with first-hand experience of the aftermath of the horrific happenings of 11 September 2001.
AiG receives numerous requests from students wanting to know how they can train to be “creation scientists.” We usually offer the following guidelines to these enquiring minds:
This is an amazing family: four siblings who all entered university by the age of 14 or younger (one at the age of 10!).
Nicolaus Steno has been recognized as making some of the first 'truly great discoveries' in geology. His fundamental principles of geology are still routinely used to interpret sedimentary rock layer
My scientific belief in creation is largely based on two thermodynamic laws of nature.
I believe that if we do our homework carefully enough, and without succumbing to bias, we will find that the Book, including a literal 6-day creation, will stand.
Biodiversity does not specify a six-day creation, it is not that finely focused, but it strongly supports such a possibility.
When I consider the great questions of origins from a broad perspective, the biblical model makes the most sense to me; it leaves fewer unanswered questions.
The creationist approach allows us to have an exceedingly intricate and beautiful world at the outset, ready for us to explore its wonders scientifically.
Many of the great scientists of the past were committed Christians and many of those were consciously exploring the implications of their Christian faith for science.
If we have found the Bible to be truthful in what we can independently check, we have a reason to trust it when it talks repeatedly about origins.
I have found that the Bible is accurate when it describes time, and historical or scientific facts. This is why I believe in a literal six-day creation.
The reliability of the six literal 24-hour days creation model is important to me because no person whose mind works similar to mine would accept any of the Bible if the very first part were wrong.
Even to be able to begin to have confidence in my ability to reason, I have to start with a revelation from the One who made me.
Examines naturalism based on three Scriptural tests to determine its validity.
Dr John Whitcomb was co-author, with Dr Henry Morris, of the famous 1961 book The Genesis Flood, widely regarded as launching the creationist revolution of the late twentieth century.
Sergei spoke of the vast cultural and philosophical differences between people in the former USSR and the West.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.