Taking Care of the Creator’s Business

Creation Evangelist Spotlight

on October 1, 2008
Featured in Answers Magazine

Take a few steps inside the high-tech medical products developer Scantibodies Laboratory, and you’ll quickly discover that this is no ordinary business. Fossils in the foyer, Scripture verses throughout the halls, and a leader who is as much a shepherd as an employer—these are just a few of the things you’ll find in the company’s California and Mexico offices.

But Scantibodies’s founder Tom Cantor wasn’t always so bold about combining his faith with his work life. When he started the company from his garage in 1973, he wrestled with what his priority would be—Christ or customers. Tom found his answer after he failed to share the gospel with a close customer who later died. Another turning point was seeing the Lord help him overcome a major health issue and a challenging trial in his business.

Tom and Cheryl Cantor

Tom Cantor and his wife, Cheryl, incorporate creation truths throughout their company, Scantibodies Laboratory. An explanation of the Genesis Flood appears next to this exquisite fossil display in the company’s foyer.

Tom felt as if God was speaking to him, “You take care of My business, and I will take care of your business.” At that point, Tom chose to make the Lord his first priority and his business his second.

Tom proclaims his devotion to the Creator in many ways throughout the company. One of the buildings has a Noah’s Ark theme, complete with fossils and plaques with the Genesis account of the Flood. Each building in their U.S.-based office is named after one of the Lord’s names (such as “The Creator, the Lamb of God”). Murals of Jesus adorn the walls of the onsite daycare, where workers teach children biblical truths and show them how to pray and worship.

Through their work at Scantibodies, Tom, his wife, Cheryl, and their more than 600 employees develop and distribute products that help identify debilitating diseases and stop them from progressing. Tom says his work has given him a better understanding of the Creator.

“Freed from the prejudice of evolution, my work in biochemistry has given me specific reasons to worship God, for I see the careful attention that God put into the details of biochemistry (which are the chemistries behind life),” he says. “On the flip side, my understanding of the Creator has helped my work in biochemistry because it gives me the right foundation for our research.”

Born into a Jewish family, Tom says he feels a burden to reach unsaved people with the gospel. As a result, he has written several booklets containing his personal testimony, which he gives to his customers, suppliers, and acquaintances. He has even translated his booklets into Spanish, Hebrew, and Japanese for his international customers.

Answers Magazine

October – December 2008

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