Can ancient light be shed on modern issues of interpretation? The Qumran scrolls contain the most ancient surviving interpretations of the Genesis Flood. Several first-century BC manuscripts talk about the Flood and confirm our current understanding of a global, catastrophic flood in Noah’s day. The Qumran scrolls confirm that we can trust God’s Word.
Archaeologists once boasted that the Bible was full of errors because no independent, historic evidence had been found to confirm the Bible’s claims. But a slew of astounding discoveries has put a damper on their boasting. - Archaeology provides us with fascinating and amazing affirmations of Scripture’s accuracy and trustworthiness.
From an evolutionary perspective, most people today believe that ancient man originally communicated with grunts, and then over time went from making “primitive” items (e.g., stone tools) to working with bronze and iron. However, the evidence confirms humans have been highly intelligent from the beginning and could quickly gain knowledge to create sophisticated technology.
The Bible’s history gives far fewer years before Abraham than the ancient histories of other cultures, such as the king lists of the Sumerians and the Egyptians. However, it seems that priests and writers of these other histories purposely stretched their dates and histories, perhaps to show that their own culture was superior to all others.
People often appeal to Egyptian chronologies as proof that man predates the biblical 6,000 years. But Egyptology, when properly understood, confirms the Bible!
Ancient man, far from being the commonly perceived illiterate brute, was a genius. Some of his ancient technologies still confound historians today.
Several years ago, a silver amulet was discovered buried in a grave in what is now Frankfurt, Germany. Scientists are finally able to read the fragile silver foil inside it.
Yet another find confirms exactly what we’d expect starting with God’s Word: a beautifully carved black stone seal believed to be about 2,700 years old.
How did the discovery of an ancient curse tablet confirm the biblical timeline?
Everyone loves to hear stories about lost civilizations like the island of Atlantis, which sank under the ocean.
When we examine claims that the consensus is wrong, we must weigh the claims against what Scripture says.
While excavating the Old Testament city of Shiloh, a team of archaeologists discover artifacts that point back to the temple—and forward from there to Christ’s sacrifice.
Columbus reached the West Indies with the aid of advanced sailing ships and sophisticated metal instruments. But the first settlers were too primitive, right?
Archaeologists have found two competing sites for the location of the ancient city of Sodom, doomed for its great wickedness. Which site is the correct one?
Should we depend on religious relics to confirm God’s Word?
Does denying miracles blind archaeologists to their finds?
How recent digs in Sha’arayim, Socoh, Ziklag, and Lachish confirm history from the ancient kingdom of Judah and why it matters for biblical reliability
Misinformed scholarship about Hittite metallurgy contrasted with the technological advancements of ancient man as demonstrated in the early Old Testament
The reasons for God’s judgment against the “great sinners” of Sodom and how its destruction points to a greater future punishment to come.
Since their discovery, the Dead Sea Scrolls have amazed scholars by their priceless insights into the preservation and proper understanding of God’s infallible Word.
We’re familiar with many of the debates regarding Israel, but what about neighboring ancient Jordan?
Most secular anthropologists have long repeated this narrative about human history: we first appeared in Africa. But this supposition has taken another hit.
Once thought of as a single culture, the Bell Beaker culture has been shown to be two distinct cultures which had a pottery style that dominated Europe.
Most archaeologists claim that no evidence supports the Bible’s claims about many Old Testament events. There is a problem, but it’s not with the evidence.
The winter solstice has a special effect at Ireland’s most famous megalith.
Our knowledge of the ancient Near East has grown since the discovery of troves of documents and artifacts. Do they have any value in interpreting the Bible?
The Nazareth Inscription is a powerful piece of extrabiblical evidence that Christ’s Resurrection was already being proclaimed shortly after He was raised.
The past few decades of biblical archaeology have been characterized by what’s called a minimalist view of the Bible.
What if you could go back in time to visit one of the first settlements after Babel?
Do trillions of artifacts found in Africa and elsewhere prove that the young-earth creation view is ridiculous?
Perhaps Lamech ruled over much of the pre-Flood world, and he gave his sons control over these various industries.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.