Radiometric dating measures the decay of radioactive atoms to determine the age of a rock sample. It is founded on unprovable assumptions such as 1) there has been no contamination and 2) the decay rate has remained constant. By dating rocks of known ages which give highly inflated ages, geologists have shown this method can’t give reliable absolute ages.
Many geologists claim that radiometric “clocks” show rocks to be millions of years old. However, to read any clock accurately we must know where the clock was set at the beginning.
Most people think that radioactive dating has proven the earth is billions of years old. After all, textbooks, media, and museums glibly present ages of millions of years as fact. Yet few people know how radiometric dating works or bother to ask what assumptions drive the conclusions.
Is the earth approximately four billion years old? This figure wasn’t established by radiometric dating of the earth itself. Most people are not aware of this.
Radiohalos shouldn’t exist, according to conventional wisdom! Though they are very tiny, polonium radiohalos have a huge message that cannot be ignored. They point to a catastrophic origin for granites, consistent with the biblical timeframe for earth history and God’s judgment during the Flood.
Evolutionary geologists claim diamonds are billions of years old, but they ignore major issues with radiometric dating and Carbon-14 in diamonds.
How much do we really know about all those human and ape fossils displayed in museums and textbooks? The dating methods aren’t as rock-solid as most people assume.
Uranium-lead radioisotope dating is now the preferred absolute dating method among geochronologists. But there are several problems with this particular method.
Selected data and unprovable assumptions are a problem with all methods for determining the age of the earth, as well as for dating its fossils and rocks.
Let’s take a closer look at the radioactive dating method and the radiometric dating methods and see how reliable they really are.
NCSU’s recent research revealed an “oversight in a radioisotope dating technique used to date everything from meteorites to geologic samples.”
New chemical analyses appear to show that some of the early mantle rock may have survived until today in rock formations called flood basalts.
A significant fraction of the earth’s radioactive elements, particularly uranium and thorium, appear to be in the granitic rock of the upper continental crust.
PDF DownloadInternet posts continue to accuse the RATE team of ignoring clear evidence of contamination. But is this really the case?
The date evolutionists report for Little Foot is old enough to keep it in the running for human ancestor, but there is no reason to consider the dates reliable.
Despite debate about the accuracy of the uranium “clocks” they contain, scientists say they’ve found a zircon with a confirmed age of 4.4 billion years.
Radiometric dating is often used to “prove” rocks are millions of years old.
Dr. Andrew Snelling explains how radioactive dating methods may help us derive not absolute but relative ages of rocks.
Geologists have discovered a great mystery—tiny black circles, called radiohalos, formed by polonium decay. Where'd it come from, and where'd it go?
Isn’t radiometric dating irrefutable proof that the earth is approximately four billion year old? Dr. Andrew Snelling, AiG—U.S., responds.
Just how far off are the commonly accepted dating methods? Dr. Andrew Snelling explains.
Interpreted in a biblical framework, radiometric dating methods help us better understand the earth's history since creation six thousand years ago.
This article summarizes the purpose, history, and intermediate findings of the RATE project five years into an eight-year effort.
PDF DownloadLast year we mentioned research that showed a relationship between earth’s distance from the sun and the rate at which certain elements undergo radioactive decay—an eyebrow-raising linkage.
Dr. Andrew Snelling, AiG–U.S., explains how to deal with refutations of creationist material
Once you understand the basic science of radiometric dating, you can see how wrong assumptions lead to incorrect dates.
Does radiometric dating show that rocks are millions of years old? No!
The Somerset Dam layered mafic intrusion in southeast Queensland, Australia, has been conventionally dated as Late Triassic by the apparently successful application of radioisotopic dating techniques.
PDF DownloadMt. Ngauruhoe in the Taupo Volcanic Zone of New Zealand erupted andesite lava flows in 1949 and 1954, and avalanche deposits in 1975.
PDF DownloadMt. Ngauruhoe is an andesite stratovolcano, rising above the Tongariro volcanic massif within the Tongariro Volcanic Center of the Taupo Volcanic Zone.
PDF DownloadAs with other isochron methods, the U-Pb isochron method has been questioned in the open literature.
PDF DownloadWe offer an explanation for the radiohalos and for the “tubes” in these diamonds in terms of a hydrothermal fluid transport model for Po radiohalo formation.
PDF DownloadThe Cooma granodiorite was generated as a consequence of the regional metamorphism that resulted from the catastrophic large-scale emplacement during the catastrophic plate tectonics of the Flood.
PDF DownloadThe Po radiohalos and other evidence associated with this granite thus remove objections to Flood geology and any need to place the Flood/post-Flood boundary in the lower Carboniferous.
PDF DownloadThe origin and significance of radiohalos have been debated for almost a century, perhaps largely because their geological distribution has been poorly understood.
PDF DownloadThe chemical data used in the radiometric dating method requires interpretation, which is sure to be wrong if Biblical data is ignored.
A feedback submitter suggests that the RATE team was dishonest because “[t]hey already know the truth [and] the facts that they find will reflect their presuppositions.”
The RATE research project demonstrated that creationists could support a larger-scale collaborative research effort.
PDF DownloadMany accept radiometric methods as proof that the earth is millions of years old, in contrast to the biblical timeline. Mike Riddle exposes the unbiblical assumptions used in these calculations.
There are plenty of indications that these radiometric dating methods are not as infallible as they would have you believe!
Deep in the eastern Grand Canyon, Arizona, is a stacked sequence of “ancient” basalt lava flows known by geologists as the Cardenas Basalt.
Was Dr. Andrew Snelling “irresponsible” for pointing out dating discrepancies at the Grand Canyon?
The RATE team has confirmed the trustworthiness of Scripture, thus upholding its authority, and has shown that the battle is not between science and the Bible.
The radioisotope methods, long touted as irrefutably dating the earth as countless millions of years old, have repeatedly failed to give reliable and meaningful absolute ages for Grand Canyon rocks.
A recent National Geographic article fails to portray the commonly used age-determination methods either accurately or objectively.
A group of young-Earth researchers called RATE (Radioisotopes and the Age of The Earth) are investigating radioactive dating methods and developing alternative young-Earth explanations.
Billion-Fold Acceleration of Radioactivity Shown in Laboratory
Radioisotope dating conveys an aura of reliability both to the general public and professional scientists. But is the method all it’s cracked up to be?
Understandably, Dr Austin’s devastating research into radioisotopic dating has been criticized by those who believe in millions of years.
Is this dating failure from Mount St Helens an isolated case of radioisotope dating giving wrong results for rocks of known age? Certainly not!
It is important that alternative models are developed to explain the observed patterns of strontium isotopes.
The Stone Mountain granite samples in this study yielded no zircon crystals and no diffuse radiation stains. These data are insufficient to determine the timing and mode of formation of these radiohal
The fossilised wood’s radiocarbon demonstrates the basalt’s youthfulness and the failure of radioisotopic ‘dating’, but is consistent with a Flood/immediate post-Flood stronger magnetic field.
When miners were sinking a ventilation shaft for the new Crinum Coal Mine in Central Queensland in 1993 (see map below) they unearthed a rare find.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.