In the evolutionary model, mutations are hailed as a dominant mechanism for pond-scum-to-people evolution and provide “proof ” that the Bible’s history about creation is wrong. But are we to trust the ideas of imperfect, fallible men about how we came into existence?
If new genetic information—required to build eyes where there are none, for example—does not occur in nature, then evolution is stuck in the water. For evolutionists, the solution comes in the form of mutations. The problem is that the only beneficial mutations ever observed do not add new information to the genome.
This study illustrates the fact that natural selection can operate on a series of mutations and even on other organisms to produce a population change with a noticeably new characteristic. Yet for all that, the result was diversity within a kind.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) has frustrated efforts to create an effective vaccine. Analysis of naturally developed antibodies in a few infected patients, however, has uncovered a pattern in HIV mutations, a pattern that could be the key to developing an HIV vaccine.
When it comes to people with disabilities, Christians need to rethink what it means to be “fearfully and wonderfully made.”
The survival of living species depends on its ability to pass on its genetic instructions, from generation to generation, without significant alteration.
Did a bacteria colony just prove gain-of-function mutations exist?
Neo-Darwinism offers this basic equation for evolution: mutations + natural selection + millions of years = particles-to-person evolution.
If we share a common ancestor with a chimpanzee, as evolutionists confidently maintain, then how did our brains leap so far ahead in size and capability?
Changes to the sequence of nucleotides (e.g., mutations) can alter the genetic information of the organism, which, in turn can alter its physical features
Mutations are no real help in explaining the origin of species, but they are great for explaining the origin of disease, disease organisms, and birth defects.
Contrary to popular opinion, drug resistance in bacteria does not demonstrate evolution.
Evolution would require an enormous amount of change. Modern laboratory experiments have tested bacteria’s ability to change. Is this ability truly unlimited?
Lenski's long-term evolution experiment does not distinguish between observable limited change and unobservable molecules-to-man evolution.
Gluttonous bacteria on the fast track compete with biofilm-makers boldly going where bacteria haven’t gone before.
What can pink shower scum tell us about the origin of the giraffe’s long neck?
HIV mutation may make it more vulnerable to vaccines.
Evolutionists claim to have demonstrated the evolution of a new function through gene duplication.
Genome analysis confirms “a key evolutionary innovation” is only de-regulation of an existing trait.
Many meat-eating mammals have mutated sweet sense.
“The inability to observe past mutation rates means that the timing of events from genetic data remains uncertain,” report Cambridge geneticists.
Models suggest massive Mediterranean meadows are millenary mega-clones.
Series of mutations said to evolve a “key innovation”
“Molecular machine’s evolutionary trajectory” is an imaginary marvel.
Mysterious malarial link to sickle-cell mutation resolved
Can three walk together and evolve into one?
The genomic forest is harder to see than its trees.
Cryptic variation and preadaptation—fancy words for the obvious.
Statistics suggest a way for eukaryotic mutants to leap over fitness valleys.
A major fault line between creationists and evolutionists concerns the appearance of novel genetic information in nature. What does the latest research say about what’s supposed to be the driving force of evolution?
A study of 600 generations of fruit flies, just reported in Nature, sought to unravel the mystery of how advantageous mutations could become fixed in the population.
A closer look at how different mutations affect livestock can give a better understanding of the role mutations play in our world.
“Directed evolution” sounds like a page out of the theistic evolutionist’s playbook. So what’s it doing turning up in an MIT laboratory?
According to one presenter at a recent Darwin and medicine conference, children with birth defects are “bumps” in the road on our way to becoming more evolved.
A team of researchers has added to our knowledge of the genetic mutation rate in humans, as they report in Current Biology.
Small biological changes that take generations—like some birds’ beaks growing longer or shorter in certain ecological niches—can be explained and understood by creationists and evolutionists. But when it comes to explaining developmental “leaps,” evolutionists must make a leap of logic.
Much research has been done on the ebg operon of the bacterium Escherichia coli over the last 30 years. specific mutations within this operon enable the bacterium to metabolize lactose.
PDF DownloadCreationists have tended to offer an inconsistent or incomplete perspective of “beneficial mutations” within a creation framework.
PDF DownloadScientific American recently described the molecular basis for a number of traits as supporting evolution, but a closer looks reveals that there’s more to mutation than randomness.
PDF DownloadFrom mid-November, a reminder that mutations are nearly always counterproductive.
Has E. coli “evolved” new complex traits in the lab? Or is this more evidence of evolutionists grasping at anything to promote their ideas?
PDF DownloadWhat are beneficial mutations? Does AiG need to change its stance regarding them? Dr. Georgia Purdom, AiG–U.S., clarifies this often-contentious area.
Can duplication and mutations cause new information to “arise” in the genome? Dr. Georgia Purdom accepts this challenge posted to creationists.
Scientists have “reversed evolution”-converting a modern enzyme into its “theoretical distant ancestor” in one case, and reactivating a supposedly five-million-year-old retrovirus in the other.
Recent research has shown that red hair in people often results from mutations in just one gene.
No story related to human evolution has drawn as much press in recent times as the account of family members in Turkey who walk hunched over, using their hands as well as feet to ambulate.
Did you know that living things make their own tools? For example, they use enzymes to break down large molecules for parts (building blocks) and some for energy.
Whenever amino acids can be changed at a residue position, it is generally assumed this mutation is compatible with all other tolerated residue substitutions. We show here that this cannot be assumed.
A major problem for Darwinists is that the Ancon mutation (a Mendelian recessive), as is true with most other mutations, is a loss mutation.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.