AiG has a unique opportunity to reach people from all over the world at one time—and we’d like you to join us! How is this possible?
2004 Olympic Games in Greece>
AiG has a unique opportunity to reach people from all over the world at one time—and we’d like you to join us! How is this possible?
Gospel Literature Services (GLS), which has helped us to translate and distribute literature in over 100 countries, has asked us to put together a team of “creation evangelists” to pass out creation/gospel literature at the August 2004 Olympic Games in Greece.
There is room for only 100 people to come, however. If the Lord puts it on your heart to join Carl Kerby and other friends of AiG, we’re sure it will be the experience of a lifetime!
Back in 2000, GLS asked us to help with a similar witnessing opportunity at the Summer Olympics in Sydney, Australia, and more than a hundred people wrote in to say they had made a profession of faith. But because of the limited number of Bible-believing churches in Greece, the Christians in that country are in desperate need of help.
After a fact-finding trip to Greece last April, Carl Kerby, one of AiG’s board members and a part-time AiG speaker, reported:
“We met with Fotis Romeos of Advancing the Ministry of the Gospel (AMG). He told us: ‘There are 11 million people in our country, but denominations other than Greek Orthodox number only 33,000 people.’ He then told us how the church in Greece was pleading for Christians to help them reach out during the Olympics.
“There aren’t 200 Bible-believing churches in all of Greece, and very few surrounding Athens. Fotis told us that there will be 1.5 million visitors in Athens for the Olympics, but the small church community can’t even begin to organize an effort to reach these people without outside help.”
We have a challenge for you. Greece needs committed Christians to come to Athens and lovingly share their faith during this time—and we need the right gospel materials to put into their hands to take back to their nations. We need Christians who are willing to step out of their “comfort zone,” come to Athens and share their faith in the same way that Paul did so many years ago.
We believe the Lord has opened this door, so we have decided we must do the following:
Translate, print, and ship evangelistic materials, particularly Answers to the 4 Big Questions, to Greece. Translators need to start working immediately to produce materials in time for the 2004 Olympics. If you are proficient in Greek, Somali, Macedonian, or Marshallese, and have experience translating, please contact our Translations Coordinator
GLS/AiG’s dream is to give away 500,000 pieces of free gospel literature in 14 languages, or whatever the Lord provides from the sacrificial giving of God’s people. (The materials will go to obvious “seekers,” not people who are likely to toss them into the nearest trash can.) Any materials that are translated will also be posted on our website for visitors to view/download free of charge. In preparation for this effort, AiG created a new Greek website last year (see "&).
Take a 100-member team of “creation evangelists” to Greece for nine days this summer. Tour participants must pay their own way, but the dividends will be eternal! (Total cost, including airfare from New York City, will be under $3000 USD, unless airfares skyrocket.) The dates are 21 August–1 September 2004.
We simply ask that team members hand out AiG literature and actively share their faith during five days of the trip. Teams of 10 will take buses to venues all over the city during the afternoons. You will also have two “free” days to do sightseeing or to continue sharing the gospel, whichever you wish. Also, after the final day of the Olympics, we will take two trips together, and share blessings and testimonies: a guided trip to historic Corinth and a one-day cruise to three scenic Greek islands.
The lodging will be dorm-style, in a camp, with no frills. Because it will be physically taxing (hot weather, etc.), it’s not for everyone, though we don’t want to “scare” you away! It’s a fantastic opportunity for youth groups, too, but we ask that team members be at least 13 years of age.
Please prayerfully consider this amazing opportunity to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth … from one location. For details or to indicate your desire to join the team, please visit 2004 Olympics outreach or call 1-800-350-3232, ext. 425. If you can’t attend, please pray for others who can!
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.