Whichever school and desired field of study you choose, keep in mind that the facts (or “evidence”) you hear about do not speak for themselves.
“Should I attend a Christian university or a secular college?” Answers in Genesis regularly receives questions like this from individuals contemplating attending college or university, asking for our input on their decision.
To these inquirers, we offer the following general considerations:
Ultimately, of course, the choice of a college/university is your decision before the Lord. Whichever school and desired field of study you choose, keep in mind that the facts (or “evidence”) you hear about do not speak for themselves—they are always interpreted within a framework, a system of beliefs built on assumptions about the past, and the world in which we live. As the infallible Word of God, the Bible provides the correct basis for understanding the truth about the past, and the true nature of the world in which we live (see Creation: “Where’s the Proof?”). It’s important that we allow the Bible to guide our thoughts and ideas about every area of our lives, and about whatever area we choose to study—whether it is biology, education, paleontology, philosophy, archaeology, chemistry, physics, or psychology.
We look forward to seeing the Lord raise up a new generation of scientists, educators, church leaders, etc. who accept God’s Word as authoritative, and who will impact their culture for Christ.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.