
Science means “knowledge” and refers to a process by which we learn about the natural world. There are two different kinds of science; observational and historical. Historical science deals with the past and is not directly testable or observable so it must be interpreted according to your worldview.

The Foundation of Science

The Bible is the foundation for science. Non-Christians must borrow biblical ideas—such as an orderly universe that obeys laws—in order to do science. If naturalism were true—if nature is “all there is”—then why should the universe have such order? Without the supernatural, there is no basis for logical, orderly laws of nature.

What Is Science?

In its original form science simply meant “knowledge.” Now, the denial of supernatural events limits the depth of understanding that science can have and the types of questions science can ask. Although naturalistic science claims to be neutral and unbiased, it starts with this bias. Making a distinction between operational (observational) science and historical (origins) science helps us to understand the limitations of these naturalistic presuppositions in science.

Do Creationists Reject Science?

For those who haven’t already made up their minds before hearing us out—or reading what we’ve written many times on this website—are we truly against science? Not at all! Like other creationist groups Answers in Genesis affirms and supports the teaching and use of scientific methodology, and we believe this supports the biblical account of origins. So why all the disagreement?

Science Producing Life?

The chemical origin of life remains the “holy grail” of evolutionists seeking to explain how life randomly emerged. Lifeless randomly interacting chemicals would have to be able to create the informational blueprint for an organism and the code to transmit that information, as well as a system for deciphering and implementing that code. Despite often-sensationalized headlines to the contrary, nothing in biology has ever been observed to do this.

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