Gap Theory

According to the gap theory, there’s a very long gap of time between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. The world that existed during this gap was destroyed and God re-created in the six days described in Genesis. This idea fails because it lacks biblical support and puts death before sin when Scripture describes death as the consequence for sin.

Gap Theory Examined Biblically

This brief overview shows that the gap theory is not biblical. It is, in fact, a compromise of the truth of Genesis, which arose when Christian leaders tried to accommodate the millions of years claimed for fossil layers.

Hebrew Words and the Gap Theory

Many adherents of the gap theory claim that the grammar of Genesis 1:1–2 allows, and even requires, a time-gap between the events in verse 1 and the events in verse 2. Into this gap—believed by many to be billions of years—they want to place all the major geological phenomena that have shaped the world.

Variations of the Gap Theory

The “modified gap theory” or “precreation chaos gap theory,” which is the proposed “gap” between Genesis 1:2 and 1:3, is unscriptural, and ultimately unnecessary. In fact, several gap models have been proposed over the years for one reason—to add secular ideas of long ages to the Bible.

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