Yesterday (Sunday), I spoke three times in the church my mother attends in Brisbane, Australia. A number of people drove all the way from the town of Dalby (2.5 hours away). There was a small busload and others from the Gold Coast (1 hour away), and others drove from outlying suburbs. One 80-year-old lady caught a train from north of Brisbane (Redcliffe) and traveled 1.5 hours and then 30 minutes by taxi. Also, it was thrilling to see a good number of young people.
For one of my presentations, I concentrated on teaching people that there are only two starting points to develop one’s worldview. You either start with God’s Word or man’s word (just as we depict in the “Starting Points Room” at the Creation Museum). I shared that because of the false view of “neutrality” that permeated our culture, Christians had been intimidated and given up their starting point. I challenged the congregation that God’s people have to stop giving up their starting point.
A number of people came up and said that they could see that many Christians had given up their starting point and how this had caused Christians to be rather ineffective in their witnessing and in affecting the culture. As one man said to me, “you put it so simply—I see it now. I’ve been one of those that gave up our starting point. Thank you so much for teaching me how to stand on God’s Word.”
I had many other testimonies during the day including the following:
One of the major Christian book distributors in Australia, Koorong, supplied books and some DVDs for the event. People were hungry for these resources. Three of the books they supplied were The New Answers Books (1,2, and 3). These are the biggest-selling creation apologetics books in the world. The books that were supplied all went. There is a incredible hunger for the resources—people want to be equipped.
Here are some photographs:
Not only has the media in the USA reported on the just-announced Ark Encounter project, but various news sources from other countries have also reported on this. Here is a new report from The Daily Mail of the UK, and here is another news report from The New York Times.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.